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发布时间:2018-10-19 19:21
【摘要】:哥伦比亚大学档案里如是记载着张伯苓:“南开的张伯苓,一个在近五十年的时间里,无比忠诚和不知疲倦的教育机构创立者和人才的培养者,已经赢得了国家影响力和国际知名度。张伯苓已经成为他所处时代道德力量的灯塔和国家信心的象征。他的道德情操和对于人民利益忠诚的奉献曾经感染无数人。”①在南开大学校长张伯苓先生丰富完善的教育思想体系中,德育思想是其中最重要的组成部分,也是其高等教育思想中最显著的特点。 在分析张伯苓大学德育思想产生的历史渊源的基础上,基于大量文献研究、实地考证,本文认为张伯苓“以德育为万事之本”的大学德育思想主要包括:“允公允能”的培养目标、“熏陶人格是根本”的人格教育、“何以为人,第一当知爱国”的爱国主义教育以及文明校风建设。张伯苓大学德育思想中包含的行之有效的德育方法有:针对教师提出的“学行并重”法;为贯彻“知中国”方针而开办的实践育人法;为生动传达德育理念而开创的形象教育法;从绚丽多姿的群育、心灵升华的美育、体德兼进的体育中开展隐性教育法等。本研究还从南开大学德育课程设置、德育教师队伍建设、德育规章制度建设等方面,对张伯苓在南开大学进行的一系列德育实践进行了分析。最后本研究从南大毕业生在社会服务的情况以及张伯苓对南大学生道德水准的影响两方面来说明张伯苓大学德育思想的显著成效。 在融合传统德育与西方德育的基础上,张伯苓以学生为本的德育理念、对学生精神引导与人格塑造的重视和对通才教育的强调;其优化大学德育内容结构、丰富校园文化建设等方法与途径以及完善德育制度建设等大学德育思想都对当代高校德育具有积极意义和启示。
[Abstract]:Columbia University records Zhang Boling as follows: "in Nankai, Zhang Boling, the founder of an incomparably loyal and tireless educational institution and the cultivator of talent for nearly 50 years," Has won national influence and international fame. Zhang Boling has become a beacon of moral power and a symbol of national confidence in his time. His moral sentiments and devotion to the interests and allegiance of the people have affected countless people. "among the rich and perfect educational ideology of Mr. Zhang Boling, president of Nankai University, moral education is the most important part of it. It is also the most prominent feature of his thoughts on higher education. On the basis of analyzing the historical origin of Zhang Boling's moral education thought, and based on a large number of literature studies, This paper holds that Zhang Boling's "moral education is the foundation of all things" mainly includes: the cultivation goal of "allowing fair ability", the personality education of "edifying personality is fundamental", "how to be human," The first is the patriotic education and the construction of civilized school spirit. The effective moral education methods contained in Zhang Boling's moral education thought include: the "equal emphasis on learning and practice" for teachers, the practice of educating people in order to carry out the policy of "knowing China"; The image education method created to convey the idea of moral education vividly; from the splendid group education, the aesthetic education of sublimation of the mind, the recessive education method in the physical and moral education and so on. This study also analyzes a series of moral education practices carried out by Zhang Boling in Nankai University from the aspects of moral education curriculum setting, moral education teachers' construction, moral education rules and regulations construction and so on. In the end, this study explains the remarkable effect of the moral education thought of Zhang Boling University from two aspects: the social service situation of the graduates and the influence of Zhang Boling on the moral standard of the university students. On the basis of combining the traditional moral education with the western moral education, Zhang Boling's student-oriented moral education concept, the emphasis on the students' spiritual guidance and personality shaping and the emphasis on the generalist education, the optimization of the content structure of university moral education, It is of positive significance and enlightenment to enrich the methods and approaches of campus culture construction and to perfect the moral education system construction in colleges and universities.


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10 王悦;张伯苓高等教育理念的三维表征[D];吉林大学;2008年




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