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发布时间:2018-10-20 07:50
【摘要】:文化是一所大学的灵魂和旗帜,高校校园文化应根据社会和时代的发展要求,根据人的全面发展方向,,按照一定的培养目标,确立一种价值目标体系、生活方式,形成一种文化精神和文化氛围,对大学生起着引导作用和潜移默化的熏陶作用。 由于社会上各种思潮的冲击,当代部分大学生的价值观发生了扭曲,拜金主义、利己主义、享乐主义影响着大学生群体世界观、人生观、价值观的形成,直接造成部分大学生对国家、民族漠不关心,视个人利益高于集体利益,追求高尚理想信念的精神日渐消沉。高校校园文化是完成育人职能的重要载体,作为培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人的高校,其校园文化要在社会主义核心价值体系的引领下,切实增强对大学生理想信念、价值观和社会责任感的教育和引导。 本文从当代大学生价值观现状,包括从国家、集体、个人各角度出发,通过对改革开放以前社会的经济、80年代大学生的理想和价值取向的分析得出当代大学生价值观变迁原因,进一步阐述了高校校园文化与大学生价值观的辩证关系。多元文化对高校校园文化建设带来了机遇和挑战,社会主义核心价值体系是在多元文化中提炼出的能够引领当代中国社会思潮、凝聚当代中国社会共识的价值观,其对高校校园文化建设的引领具有重要的意义。为强化核心价值体系对校园文化建设的引领作用,本文提出加强主渠道建设,增强核心价值体系的指导力;建立正确的舆论导向,提高校园宣传载体的引导力;构建心理认同的新平台,增强核心价值观的感召力;强化核心价值体系的实践性,提高校园文化活动的吸引力。
[Abstract]:Culture is the soul and flag of a university. The campus culture of a university should establish a system of value goals and a way of life according to the development requirements of society and the times, according to the overall development direction of people, according to a certain training goal. The formation of a cultural spirit and cultural atmosphere plays a guiding and subtle influence on college students. Due to the impact of various trends of thought in the society, the values of some contemporary college students have been distorted. Money worship, egoism and hedonism affect the formation of college students' world outlook, outlook on life, and values. As a direct result, some college students are indifferent to the state and nation, regard individual interests as higher than collective interests, and become depressed in their pursuit of noble ideals and beliefs. College campus culture is an important carrier to accomplish the function of educating people. As a university that trains the constructors and successors of socialist cause, the campus culture should be guided by the socialist core value system and strengthen the ideal and belief of college students. Education and guidance of values and social responsibility. This paper, from the point of view of state, collective and individual, analyzes the social economy before the reform and opening up, the ideal and value orientation of college students in the 1980s, and draws the reasons for the change of the values of contemporary college students from the point of view of the present situation of college students' values, including the national, collective and individual perspectives. Further elaborated the university campus culture and the university student values dialectical relations. Multiculturalism brings opportunities and challenges to the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities. The socialist core value system is a kind of values which can lead the contemporary Chinese social trend of thought and condense the consensus of contemporary Chinese society. It is of great significance to the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities. In order to strengthen the leading role of the core value system to the campus culture construction, this paper proposes to strengthen the main channel construction, to strengthen the guiding power of the core value system, to establish the correct public opinion guidance, and to improve the guiding power of the campus propaganda carrier. Build a new platform of psychological identity, strengthen the appeal of the core values, strengthen the practicality of the core value system, and improve the attraction of campus cultural activities.


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