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发布时间:2018-10-21 19:23
【摘要】:现今,大学生群体中出现的许多思想认识问题,引发了社会对大学生培养质量问题的思考,而作为高校思想政治教育骨干力量的高校辅导员队伍建设与培训问题首当其冲,摆在了社会发展面前。近年来由于种种原因导致我国高校部分辅导员素质提升不够快,知识结构老化现象,知识更新意识不强等现象是人们认为大学生出现思想认识问题的重要原因之一。因此,如何开展有针对性、时效性的辅导员培训成为人们亟待研究的课题。 高校辅导员制度自清华大学1953年试点以来,已经历了60个春秋,辅导员培训也是随着辅导员制度的发展而曲折发展。21世纪初,我国部颁布了《2006-2010年普通高等学校辅导员培训计划》,文件指出了研修基地的管理体制和运行机制加强以及完善辅导员培训的重要性,形成了系统化的辅导员培养模式,规范了高校辅导员岗位培训体系。然而,我国现行辅导员培训体系也随着时代的发展暴露出一些问题,主要问题表现在以下几个方面:一是培训体系建设不完善,主要表现为省级、校本级辅导员培训基地的缺位;二是辅导员培训运行机制不完善,主要表现在培训需求分析、培训计划制定及培训结果评估等建设有待加强,对辅导员培训缺乏系统思考;三是培训制度建设不完善,主要表现在培训内容针对性不强、培训层次不明、培训流程及方式单一及考评方式缺乏时效性等方面。 本研究从分析辅导员培训模式存在问题入手,分析总结现有模式,并引入管理学中运行机制、制度论等分析方法,从宏、中、微观三个角度对我国辅导员培训体系进行创新型研究,并从辅导员培训理念提升,包括提升辅导员培训领导者理念、树立辅导员培训新理念两个方面;辅导员培训体系建设,包括加强省级培训基地建设和着力校本级培训建设两方面;辅导员培训运行机制调节,包括明确培训需求、完善培训计划与落实培训实施与评估等三个方面及辅导员培训制度建设,包括创新培训内容、分清培训层次及规范培训流程与形式等三个方面提出了论者的建议,以期为我国高校辅导员队伍培训的发展提供一个新的思路,为教育主管部门制定高校辅导员队伍发展政策提供咨询意见和建议,为不断增强高校辅导员的工作能力,解决现阶段我国高校辅导员整体素质提升缓慢与高校学生思想政治教育要求提升的矛盾提供一个新的解决方案。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, there are many ideological and cognitive problems in college students, which lead to the consideration of the quality of college students' cultivation, and the construction and training of college counselors, which are the backbone of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, bear the brunt of the problems. Put in front of social development. In recent years, due to a variety of reasons, some college counselors in China's quality improvement is not fast enough, knowledge structure aging phenomenon, knowledge renewal awareness is not strong and so on is one of the important reasons for the ideological problems of college students. Therefore, how to develop targeted, timely counselors training has become an urgent research topic. Since the pilot of Tsinghua University in 1953, the counsellor system in colleges and universities has gone through 60 years, and the training of counselors has also developed with the development of the counsellor system. The Ministry of our country promulgated the training Plan for counselors in Colleges and Universities from 2006 to 2010. The document points out the importance of strengthening the management system and operational mechanism of the research base and perfecting the training of counselors, and forms a systematic training model for counselors. Standardized the post training system of college counselors. However, with the development of the times, the current training system of counselors in our country also exposes some problems, the main problems are as follows: first, the construction of training system is not perfect, mainly for the provincial level. Secondly, the training mechanism of counselors is not perfect, which is mainly reflected in the analysis of training needs, the establishment of training plan and the evaluation of training results, and the lack of systematic thinking on the training of counselors. Third, the construction of training system is not perfect, mainly in the training content is not targeted, the level of training is unclear, the training process and method is single and the evaluation method is lack of timeliness and so on. This study begins with the analysis of the problems existing in the training mode of counselors, analyzes and summarizes the existing models, and introduces some analytical methods, such as running mechanism and system theory in management, from the macro, the middle, and so on. This paper studies the training system of counselors in our country from three microcosmic angles, and promotes the training idea of counselors, including the concept of leaders in training counselors and the new idea of training counselors, the construction of training system of counselors, and the construction of training system of counselors. Including strengthening the construction of provincial training bases and focusing on the training construction at the school-based level, adjusting the operational mechanism of the training of counsellors, including clarifying the training needs, Three aspects such as perfecting the training plan and implementing the training implementation and evaluation, as well as the construction of the instructor training system, including innovating the training content, distinguishing the training level and standardizing the training process and form, are put forward. In order to provide a new train of thought for the development of college counselors in our country, to provide advice and suggestions for the department in charge of education to formulate the development policy of college counselors, and to enhance the working ability of college counselors. A new solution is provided to solve the contradiction between the slow improvement of college counselors' overall quality and the requirements of college students' ideological and political education.


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