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发布时间:2018-10-23 14:36
【摘要】:中国教师教育正经历着深刻的变革,教师教育重心逐步上移,在这样的背景下,小学教育专业(本科)应运而生。然而,小学教育专业(本科)在我国教师教育领域中出现的时间较晚,整个专业的性质、培养目标、课程设置、课程实施等工作还处于探究和试验阶段。专业建设的核心是课程建设,当前摆在我们面前的艰巨任务就是构建全新的适应当今基础教育发展的小学教育专业(本科)课程体系。 本文主要围绕小学教育专业(本科)的课程设置问题,分五个部分展开了研究。第一和第五部分为引言和结语。引言部分简要介绍本研究的缘起、文献述评、意义和方法。结语部分简要概括了本研究的不足及下一步研究的方向。第二部分通过回顾中外小学教育专业的发展历程,解读了小学教育专业(本科)课程设置的背景,指出了小学教育专业发展所面临的各种挑战,,为研究小学教育专业的课程设置奠定了理论基础。第三、四部分是研究的重点内容,以六所地方高校本科小学教育专业培养方案为例,具体分析了小学教育专业(本科)课程设置的现状以及存在的问题,综合考虑影响该专业课程设置的各种因素,试探性地提出了课程设置方案的构想。 本研究不仅提出一套小学教育专业教育教学实践可供借鉴的课程结构体系,而且重点对课程设置过程中所需要考虑的一些要求进行了分析,希望能够对小学教育专业(本科)课程设置及专业发展尽自己的绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:China's teacher education is undergoing profound changes, the focus of teacher education is gradually moving up, in such a background, primary education major (undergraduate) came into being. However, the major of primary education (undergraduate) appeared late in the field of teacher education in our country. The nature of the whole major, the training goal, the curriculum setup, the curriculum implementation and so on are still in the stage of exploration and experiment. The core of specialty construction is curriculum construction. At present, the arduous task facing us is to construct a completely new curriculum system of primary education specialty (undergraduate) which adapts to the development of basic education today. This paper focuses on the curriculum of primary education major (undergraduate), divided into five parts. The first and fifth parts are introduction and conclusion. The introduction briefly introduces the origin, literature review, significance and methods of this study. The conclusion part briefly summarizes the deficiency of this study and the direction of the next research. The second part, by reviewing the development course of primary education major in China and abroad, explains the background of curriculum setting for primary education major (undergraduate), and points out the various challenges faced by the development of primary education specialty. It lays a theoretical foundation for studying the curriculum of primary education major. The third and fourth parts are the key contents of the research. Taking six local colleges and universities as an example, the paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the curriculum setting of primary education major (undergraduate). Considering all kinds of factors which affect the curriculum of this major, this paper tentatively puts forward the conception of curriculum plan. This study not only puts forward a set of curriculum structure system which can be used for reference in the teaching practice of primary education specialty, but also analyzes some requirements that need to be considered in the course of curriculum setting. Hope to be able to primary education major (undergraduate) curriculum and professional development to their own efforts.


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