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发布时间:2018-10-24 11:26
【摘要】:众所周知,“自主创业”、“创新型人才”、“创新型国家”这些词语在党的十七大之后被广泛引用,特别在召开十八大期间,多次在报告中提到。而这些词汇都表现了国家对创新创业教育的重视。创业教育是西方国家提出的一种新的教育理念,意在培养高校大学生的创业意识、勇于探索的精神、自主创业的能力和提高自身的适应社会发展的本领。 目前,我国大学毕业生人数逐年递增,毕业生难就业成为我国主要社会问题之一,为此,在十七大会议上,胡锦涛同志提出:“引导转变就业观念,促进创业带动就业。”因此,高校对大学生进行创业教育势在必行。一方面吉林省创业教育起步较晚,导致高校毕业生创业意识薄弱;另一方面我省经济发展单一,高校大学生在不同产业进行创业,能促进我省经济多元素发展;所以,开展和完善我省高校大学生创业教育刻不容缓。本文主要以吉林省高校大学生创业教育的现状、存在问题为出发点,改进我省高校创业教育,寻找出适合本省高校创业教育的措施。 本文的第一章前言,首先主要介绍了论文选题的研究背景、意义,之后通过查阅相关文献概括归纳目前国内外关于创业教育研究的现状,根据掌握的现有材料制定文章大体的写作方法和写作内容,提出文章的创新点。 第二章主要阐述了大学生创业教育的概念、目标、内容、意义以及大学生创业教育研究的必要性。 第三章归纳我国大学生创业教育的历史,结合我省经济发展情况,分析当前吉林高校大学生创业教育的现状,根据我省现今的创业教育的形式,总结目前吉林省高校创业还存在哪些问题,展望我省高校大学生创业教育的未来发展。 第四章提出美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本以及印度五个国家创业教育发展背景,通过查阅资料归纳发达国家高校创业教育发展的主要政策,从发达国家创业教育的发展情况,联系我省目前大学生创业教育的发展现状,从而得出对我省大学生创业教育的启发。 第五章根据前面三个部分的阐述,就目前我省的高校大学生创业教育的实际情况,提出改进高校大学生创业教育的措施。主要内容为:1.开设相关课程;2.在理论教学中融入创业教育内容;3.在高校校园文化建设中营造创新创业文化氛围;4.全面实施大学生创新创业训练计划。
[Abstract]:As is known to all, the terms "self-employment", "innovative talents" and "innovative country" were widely quoted after the 17th National Congress of the Party, especially during the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which was mentioned many times in the report. And these words all show the national value to innovation and entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurship education is a new educational concept put forward by western countries, which aims to cultivate college students' entrepreneurial consciousness, the spirit of courage to explore, the ability to start their own businesses and to improve their ability to adapt to the development of society. At present, the number of college graduates in China is increasing year by year, and the difficulty of obtaining employment for graduates has become one of the main social problems in our country. Therefore, at the 17th National Congress of the CPC, Comrade Hu Jintao put forward: "guiding the transformation of the concept of employment and promoting entrepreneurship to promote employment." Therefore, it is imperative for colleges and universities to carry out entrepreneurship education for college students. On the one hand, the starting of entrepreneurship education in Jilin Province is relatively late, which leads to the weak sense of entrepreneurship among college graduates; on the other hand, the economic development of our province is single, and college students can start their own businesses in different industries, which can promote the multi-element development of our province's economy. It is urgent to develop and perfect the entrepreneurship education for college students in our province. Based on the present situation and problems of entrepreneurship education of college students in Jilin Province, this paper aims to improve the entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities in Jilin Province and find out the measures suitable for entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities of Jilin Province. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research, and then summarizes the current situation of entrepreneurship education research at home and abroad by consulting relevant literature. According to the existing materials, the author formulates the writing method and content of the article, and puts forward the innovation of the article. The second chapter mainly expounds the concept, the goal, the content, the significance and the necessity of the entrepreneurship education of college students. The third chapter summarizes the history of entrepreneurship education for college students in our country, and analyzes the current situation of entrepreneurship education for college students in Jilin Province, according to the current forms of entrepreneurship education in Jilin Province. This paper summarizes the problems existing in the entrepreneurship of colleges and universities in Jilin Province, and looks forward to the future development of entrepreneurship education for college students in our province. The fourth chapter puts forward the background of entrepreneurship education development in five countries, the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan and India, and summarizes the main policies of entrepreneurship education development in developed countries by consulting information, and from the development situation of entrepreneurship education in developed countries. Connecting with the current situation of entrepreneurship education of college students in our province, this paper draws the inspiration to the entrepreneurship education of college students in our province. According to the above three parts, the fifth chapter puts forward the measures to improve the entrepreneurship education of college students in our province. The main contents are as follows: 1. Offering related courses; 2. Integration of entrepreneurship education in theoretical teaching; 3. In the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities to create an innovative culture atmosphere; 4. Fully implement the innovative entrepreneurial training program for college students.


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