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发布时间:2018-10-24 18:50
【摘要】:基于计算机技术、数字技术和移动通信技术迅速发展的新兴媒体,极大地改变了人们学习、工作和生活方式。新媒体的出现,引起了信息领域的巨大变革,人们获取信息比以往更快捷、更高效。大学生是使用新媒体的重要群体,他们在使用新媒体的同时,其思想观念、行为方式、心理状况等方面也受到了一定的影响。在新媒体环境中,由于教育主体、教育客体、教育载体、教育环境等都发生了新的变化,高校思想政治教育遇到了前所未有的新问题。 新媒体条件下高校思想政治教育面临的挑战,首先,思想政治教育工作者的知识和观念有待更新,综合能力和媒介素养有待提升;其次,大学生的思想政治观念、心理健康、道德品质、行为规范等受到了影响和考验;同时,新时期思想政治教育的效力也因多元价值观的冲击而减弱。面对挑战,我们要认清现实,客观分析新媒体的特点、功能,以及造成高校思想政治教育困境的深层原因,为更好地发展思想政治教育奠定基础。新媒体条件下,高校思想政治教育同样有着良好的发展机遇,即新媒体提供了稳定、开放的教育平台;思想政治教育的手段更为灵活、载体更为丰富、时空限制更小。研究认为,要利用新媒体的优势创新高校思想政治教育,第一,在努力提高思想政治教育工作者综合能力的同时,构建师生共同参与的思想政治教育主体;第二,形成家庭、高校、社会共同参与思想政治教育客体的共识,强化各方教育功能的一致性;第三,.把新媒体作为高校思想政治教育重要的教育载体,加强高校思想政治教育新媒体载体的基础设施建设;第四,要进一步强化齐抓共管的预防机制和约束机制,建立切合实际的反馈机制和评价机制。 大学生是祖国未来的建设者和接班人,高校担负着为祖国培养合格人才的重任。面对新媒体带来的新情况、新变化,我们既要有忧患意识,客观分析,努力消除新媒体带来的不利影响。同时又要保持清醒头脑,把握机遇,在经济、社会、文化变革的重要时期,实现思想政治教育主体、教育客体、教育载体、教育机制的创新,找出新形势下适合我国高校思想政治教育发展之路。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of new media based on computer technology, digital technology and mobile communication technology has greatly changed the way people study, work and live. The emergence of new media has caused great changes in the field of information. People obtain information faster and more efficiently than ever before. College students are an important group who use new media. At the same time, their ideology, behavior, psychological condition and so on are also affected. In the new media environment, new changes have taken place in the subject, object, carrier and environment of education, and the ideological and political education in colleges and universities has encountered unprecedented new problems. The challenges of ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the new media conditions are as follows: firstly, the knowledge and ideas of ideological and political education workers need to be updated, the comprehensive ability and media literacy need to be improved; secondly, the ideological and political concept of college students, mental health, and so on. At the same time, the effectiveness of ideological and political education in the new period is weakened by the impact of multiple values. Facing the challenge, we should recognize the reality, objectively analyze the characteristics and functions of the new media and the deep causes of the dilemma of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, so as to lay a foundation for the better development of ideological and political education. Under the new media conditions, the ideological and political education in colleges and universities also has a good opportunity for development, that is, the new media provides a stable and open educational platform, the means of ideological and political education are more flexible, the carrier is more abundant, and the space-time limit is smaller. The study believes that to make use of the advantages of new media to innovate ideological and political education in colleges and universities, first, to improve the comprehensive ability of ideological and political educators, and at the same time to construct the main body of ideological and political education in which teachers and students participate; second, to form a family. Colleges and universities and society participate in the common understanding of the object of ideological and political education, and strengthen the consistency of the educational functions of all parties; third,. Regarding new media as an important educational carrier of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, strengthening the infrastructure construction of new media carriers for ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Establish realistic feedback mechanism and evaluation mechanism. College students are the future builders and successors of the motherland. In the face of the new situation and new changes, we should have a sense of suffering, objective analysis, and try to eliminate the adverse effects of new media. At the same time, we should keep a clear mind, seize the opportunity, and realize the innovation of the subject, object, carrier and mechanism of ideological and political education in the important period of economic, social and cultural change. Find out the way to develop ideological and political education in colleges and universities under the new situation.


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