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发布时间:2018-10-25 07:01
【摘要】:大学生思想政治教育工作是高等教育的重点,也是一大难点。伴随着高校扩招,学生人数的激增使得学生工作队伍亟待扩充新力量。同时,以90后为主力军的大学生群体,在价值取向、行为模式,乃至生活方式上都呈现出了新的特点,,新形势的变化不断在呼吁高校对原有的教育方式作出调整。自我教育是高校学生事务管理的终极目标,任何管理都要通过自我教育得以验证和实现,朋辈教育作为一种群体自我教育方式,它已经在心理辅导领域广泛应用并颇见成效,但将此方法应用于高校学生事务管理还未有比较成熟和完善的研究成果。朋辈教育所采取的同龄人互相教育的方式和它榜样教育性、广泛性、互助性、及时性等优势使得此方法非常适用于高校学生事务管理,通过此法可大大缓解学生工作队伍的工作压力,充分应对学生中的新问题,不断与时俱进,迎接新挑战。 本文在国内外研究成果的基础上,结合学生事务管理的实际情况,完善了朋辈教育与朋辈辅导员的概念;总结了国内外朋辈教育的开展概况;通过广泛深入实证调研,厘清了我国高校学生事务管理中运用朋辈教育的现状,验证了我国在朋辈教育认知、朋辈教育载体构建、朋辈教育队伍建设三方面存在的问题;在此基础上,提出了加强对朋辈教育的重视和领导、加强对朋辈教育的组织和创新、加强对朋辈教育队伍的培养和建设的对策。
[Abstract]:Ideological and political education of college students is the focus of higher education, but also a major difficulty. With the expansion of university enrollment, the student work force needs to be expanded. At the same time, the group of college students, with the post-90s as the main force, has shown new characteristics in value orientation, behavior pattern and even life style. The change of new situation is calling on colleges and universities to make adjustments to the original education style. Self-education is the ultimate goal of student affairs management in colleges and universities, and any management must be verified and realized through self-education. As a way of group self-education, peer education has been widely used in the field of psychological counseling and has achieved considerable results. However, the application of this method in college student affairs management has not been more mature and perfect research results. The peer education adopts the method of peer education and its role models, such as education, universality, mutual aid, timeliness, etc., which makes this method very suitable for college student affairs management. Through this method, the working pressure of the student working team can be greatly alleviated, the new problems among the students can be fully dealt with, and the new challenges can be met by constantly advancing with the times. Based on the domestic and foreign research results, combined with the actual situation of student affairs management, this paper improves the concept of peer education and peer counselors, summarizes the general situation of peer education at home and abroad. This paper clarifies the current situation of the application of peer education in the management of college student affairs in China, and verifies the existing problems in three aspects: the cognition of peer education, the construction of peer education carrier, and the construction of peer education team. The countermeasures of strengthening the attention and leadership of peer education, strengthening the organization and innovation of peer education, and strengthening the cultivation and construction of peer education team are put forward.


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