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发布时间:2018-10-29 09:18
【摘要】:随着我国由计划经济向市场经济的转轨,高等教育的相关政策也进行了随动性的调整,高校费用实行了部分的成本分担制。高校收费标准的提高,加之区域经济发展不平衡,使高校出现了一个特殊群体—家庭经济困难学生。随着高校招生规模的不断扩大,高校家庭经济困难学生的数量也随之增加,由此引发了一系列亟待解决的问题。如何有效地解决学生的经济困难及因之引发的其它问题,确保特困生不因经济困难而辍学,并使其健康成长,已成为社会各界关注的热点。基此认识,深入研究家庭经济困难学生思想、心理特点和存在的问题并提出相应对策,对促进家庭经济困难学生成长成才、建设和谐校园、维护社会稳定、促进高等教育的改革与发展有着重要的现实意义。 本文在借鉴和吸收前人研究成果的基础上,以家庭经济困难学生的思想和心理为着眼点,通过对家庭经济困难学生产生原因的分析,提出要从家庭经济困难学生的实际出发,了解家庭经济困难学生的思想和心理现状。在对家庭经济困难学生思想和心理现状分析的基础上,对家庭经济困难学生思想特点和心理特点进行了不太成熟的归纳和概括。重点从家庭经济困难学生的政治观、价值观、人生观、道德观等方面,归纳了其政治观上思想积极与态度端正相伴;人生观上积极与消极并存;价值观上崇高与狭隘同时存在;道德观上诚信与感恩突出等思想特点。同时从人格心理健康与学习动机等方面,归纳了其良好的自我意识与自我意识混乱共存;积极乐观的心态与不良情绪同在;学习动机强与心理压力大并存;人际交往上主动与被动共存等心理特点。针对思想和心理的关系及家庭经济困难学生思想特点和心理特点的成因,对解决家庭经济困难学生思想和心理问题提出了有针对性的对策。要通过深入细致的思想教育强化家庭经济困难学生的自主自立意识,激发家庭经济困难学生奋斗精神,增强解决自身问题的信心和能力;以积极的心理疏导培育家庭经济困难学生健全的自我意识,帮助其端正心态,培养其健康人格,强化其自强精神,促进其道德精神的发展;并从家庭经济困难学生全面发展的角度探索解决思想问题和心理问题相结合的有效方式:以现实化的思想教育和生活化的心理健康教育引导家庭经济困难学生树立正确人生观,以健康向上的校园文化和资助体系的构建、互助机制的探索、集体精神的培育为家庭经济困难学生营造良好的成长环境,以典型案例的启发和引导强化家庭经济困难学生的责任意识和担当精神,从对社会主义的本质积极理解中强化家庭经济困难学生奋斗勇气和负责精神,以家庭、学校、社会互动机制的构建完善家庭经济困难学生资助和教育体系。
[Abstract]:With the transition from planned economy to market economy in China, the related policies of higher education have also been adjusted, and some of the cost sharing system has been implemented in colleges and universities. With the improvement of the charge standard and the unbalanced development of regional economy, there is a special group of students with family financial difficulties in colleges and universities. With the expansion of college enrollment, the number of students with financial difficulties in colleges and universities is increasing, which leads to a series of problems to be solved. How to effectively solve the students' economic difficulties and other problems caused by them, to ensure that special hardship students do not drop out of school because of economic difficulties, and to make them grow up healthily, has become the focus of attention of all walks of life. Based on this understanding, the author deeply studies the ideological, psychological characteristics and existing problems of students with family economic difficulties, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures, which will promote the growth of students with family economic difficulties, build a harmonious campus, and maintain social stability. It is of great practical significance to promote the reform and development of higher education. On the basis of drawing lessons from and absorbing the previous research results, this paper takes the thought and psychology of the students with family economic difficulties as the starting point, through the analysis of the causes of the students with family economic difficulties, and puts forward that we should proceed from the reality of the students with family economic difficulties. To understand the ideological and psychological status of students with financial difficulties in their families. Based on the analysis of the ideological and psychological status of the students with family economic difficulties, the ideological and psychological characteristics of the students with family economic difficulties are summed up and summarized. From the aspects of political view, value view, outlook on life, morality and so on, the author sums up the positive thinking and correct attitude of his political view, the coexistence of positive and negative outlook on life, the coexistence of lofty and narrow values, and so on. Moral outlook on honesty and gratitude outstanding ideological characteristics. At the same time, from the aspects of personality mental health and learning motivation, the author concludes that its good self-consciousness and self-consciousness exist in confusion, the positive and optimistic state of mind exists with the bad emotion, the strong learning motivation coexists with the psychological pressure, and so on. Active and passive coexistence in interpersonal communication and other psychological characteristics. In view of the relationship between thought and psychology and the causes of the ideological and psychological characteristics of the students with family economic difficulties, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for solving the ideological and psychological problems of the students with family economic difficulties. It is necessary to strengthen the self-independence consciousness of the students with family economic difficulties through thorough and meticulous ideological education, stimulate the struggling spirit of the students with family economic difficulties, and strengthen their confidence and ability to solve their own problems. To cultivate the sound self-consciousness of the students with family financial difficulties with positive psychological guidance, to help them correct their mentality, to cultivate their healthy personality, to strengthen their self-improvement spirit, and to promote their moral spirit development; And from the angle of comprehensive development of the students with family economic difficulties, the paper explores the effective ways to solve the ideological problems and psychological problems: to guide the students with family economic difficulties to set up a correct outlook on life with realistic ideological education and living mental health education. With the construction of healthy and upward campus culture and financial aid system, the exploration of mutual aid mechanism, and the cultivation of collective spirit, we can create a good growth environment for students with financial difficulties in their families. Enlighten and guide the typical cases to strengthen the sense of responsibility and the spirit of responsibility of the students with family economic difficulties, from the positive understanding of the essence of socialism, to strengthen the students' fighting courage and responsible spirit, so as to strengthen the family and school. The construction of social interaction mechanism consummates the financial aid and education system of students with family financial difficulties.


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