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发布时间:2018-10-30 06:23
【摘要】:我国的高校教育工会具有其独立的法人代表,也是我国工会的重要组成部分。它是高等院校中普遍存在的团体,它是党联系群众的纽带和桥梁。其基本职能主要体现在教书育人、参与学校民主管理、维护教职工具体利益及对教职工进行思想政治工作等方面。高校教育工会同党、政共同构成高校管理的三大力量,对高校教育工会工作目标管理的研究,是如何更好地发挥它的作用,更进一步协调好这三大力量的问题。而当前就教育工会实际发挥的作用来看还是显得较弱,,当然,目前尚缺乏对高校教育工会的目标管理问题的研究。为此,本论文通过梳理我国工会组织的背景知识,通过对西安市部分高校教育工会目标管理现状的调查,在掌握高校教育工会工作在目标管理中存在的问题以及发展趋势的基础上,提出了未来工作的基本思路和目标。 全文共分六章:第一章绪论部分主要介绍了选题的背景及研究意义,并对国内外相关文献进行了综述。第二章主要介绍了相关概念、背景知识,包括教育工会的历史沿革等。第三章是对西安市高校教育工会目标管理现状的调查与分析。第四章主要是通过目标管理概念的引入,进一步规范高校教育工会工作目标管理程序。最后,在理论分析的基础上,对高校教育工会目标管理工作提出了建议,同时也给出了相应的目标管理体系和考核方法,希望能够对高校教育工会工作健康发展提供一定的借鉴和参考。
[Abstract]:The university education trade union of our country has its independent legal person representative, and it is also an important part of our country's trade union. It is a common group in colleges and universities, and it is the link and bridge between the Party and the masses. Its basic functions are mainly embodied in teaching and educating people, participating in the democratic management of schools, safeguarding the specific interests of teaching staff and carrying out ideological and political work on them. The university education trade union, together with the Party and the government, constitute the three major forces of the university management. The research on the target management of the university education trade union is how to play its role better, and further coordinate the problems of these three forces. However, the actual function of the education trade union is still weak, of course, there is still a lack of research on the goal management of the university education trade union at present. Therefore, through combing the background knowledge of the trade union organization in our country, this paper investigates the current situation of the objective management of the educational trade union in some colleges and universities in Xi'an. On the basis of mastering the problems and developing trends in the goal management of the education trade union work in colleges and universities, this paper puts forward the basic ideas and goals of the future work. The thesis is divided into six chapters: the first chapter introduces the background and research significance of the topic, and summarizes the relevant literature at home and abroad. The second chapter mainly introduces the related concepts, background knowledge, including the history of education trade unions. The third chapter is the investigation and analysis of the current situation of the objective management of the university education trade union in Xi'an. The fourth chapter is the introduction of the concept of objective management to further standardize the university education trade union work goal management procedures. Finally, on the basis of theoretical analysis, the paper puts forward some suggestions on the goal management of university education trade unions, and also gives the corresponding target management system and assessment methods. Hope to provide some reference and reference for the healthy development of university education trade union work.


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