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发布时间:2018-11-01 16:35
【摘要】:改革开放以来,河北省民办高等教育尤其是民办普通高校的发展取得了令人瞩目的成就。河北省民办普通高校的发展起步于八十年代后期,经过二十多年的艰苦探索和逐步发展,不仅在办学规模上有了大的突破,办学层次与结构也日趋优化,河北省民办普通高校已经成为河北省高等教育事业的一支重要生力军,为推动河北省经济社会的发展发挥了积极作用。 本文主要采用文献法和比较研究法,,通过对河北省民办普通高校的发展历程和取得的成就进行梳理,将河北省民办普通高校的发展历程分为萌芽期、起步期、规范发展期和依法发展期等四个阶段,并从民办普通高校的发展规模、层次结构、专业结构、师资结构和区域分布等方面,对河北民办普通高校的现状进行了深入研究。根据河北省民办普通高校发展现状发现民办普通高校发展中存在问题,例如政策法规不健全、内部管理体制不完善、分布不合理等,并深入剖析制约其发展的原因。最后,结合河北省民办普通高校发展的实际情况,从社会、政府和民办普通高校自身三个角度,提出促进河北省民办普通高校发展的对策与建议:一是更新社会观念,认识民办普通高校的重要性;二是健全体制机制,为民办普通高校创造良好的外部环境;三是注重内涵发展,全面提高民办普通高校可持续发展能力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the development of private higher education, especially private colleges and universities in Hebei Province, has made remarkable achievements. The development of private colleges and universities in Hebei Province started in the late 1980s. After more than 20 years of hard exploration and gradual development, there has not only been a big breakthrough in the scale of running schools, but also the level and structure of running schools have been increasingly optimized. Private colleges and universities in Hebei Province have become an important force in the cause of higher education in Hebei Province and have played an active role in promoting the economic and social development of Hebei Province. This article mainly adopts the literature method and the comparative research method, through combing the development course and the achievement of the ordinary colleges and universities run by the people in Hebei Province, divides the development process of the ordinary colleges and universities run by the people of Hebei Province into the budding period, the starting period. This paper studies the present situation of the private colleges and universities in Hebei province from the aspects of the development scale, the level structure, the specialty structure, the teacher structure and the regional distribution. According to the present situation of the development of private colleges and universities in Hebei province, the problems existed in the development of private colleges and universities are found, such as imperfect policies and regulations, imperfect internal management system, unreasonable distribution and so on, and the reasons that restrict the development of private colleges and universities are deeply analyzed. Finally, combined with the actual situation of the development of private colleges and universities in Hebei Province, from the three angles of the society, the government and the private colleges and universities themselves, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of the private colleges and universities in Hebei province: first, to update the social concept. To understand the importance of private colleges and universities; The second is to perfect the system and mechanism, to create a good external environment for the private colleges and universities, and the third is to pay attention to the connotation development and improve the sustainable development ability of the private colleges and universities in an all-round way.


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1 钟碧玲;陕西省民办高等教育的发展研究[D];陕西师范大学;2011年

2 王明明;山东民办高等教育发展对策研究[D];山东师范大学;2010年




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