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发布时间:2018-11-02 11:33
[Abstract]:With the increasing prosperity of information technology, since the development of the media, the footsteps of the micro-era have quietly arrived, we have unconsciously entered into micro-life. Network, in its unique way, has greatly enriched college students' life, learning content and influencing their ideological behavior. In the virtual and real micro-community, college students actively express their micro-attitude through micro-platform, micro-focusing, micro-quotation, micro-sharing, micro-transmission and active expression of their micro-attitude. As a barometer of college public opinion, network public opinion of college students is the vane of college students' ideological dynamics, which is undoubtedly of great significance to the study of ideological and political education of college students. Therefore, this paper focuses on the trend of network public opinion, analyzes in detail its characteristics and its influence on college students' ideological and behavior, and points out the challenges and opportunities that network public opinion brings to ideological and political education. This paper further explores the educational function of college students' ideology and politics under network public opinion, and then puts forward the "micro-thought and politics" to adapt to the development of the new era and the life of college students in the new period, and discusses the value of "micro-thought and politics" to the ideological and political education under the network public opinion. Combined with the actual situation, this paper points out the development and countermeasures of "micro-thought and politics" under the environment of network public opinion. "Micro-thought and Politics" is not only an exploration of ideological and political education methods under network public opinion, but also a powerful weapon to win the victory of the micro-revolution today, and also a vanguard sword to promote the reform of ideological and political education.


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