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发布时间:2018-11-02 17:19
【摘要】:重点学科在高等教育学科体系中居于重要地位,是培养高层次人才、开展科学研究、技术创新和服务经济社会的重要基地,对提高高等教育质量、提升大学的核心竞争力和学术影响力,促进经济建设、社会进步、科技文化发展具有重要意义。本文在“中部崛起”背景下,分析了中部地区高校重点学科建设现状,着重研究了中部地区高校重点学科在数量上和门类上的布局,进而提出了中部地区高校重点学科建设中出现的问题,并针对问题提出了对策和建议。 首先,从宏观的视角分析了中部地区重点学科建设所取得的成就,从科技创新、人才培养、教学科研条件、重点学科数量等方面例证中部地区高校重点学科建设所取得的成就。从微观角度选取了具有代表性的河南、湖北两省“211工程”高校重点学科建设状况为例,来例证中部地区高校重点学科建设所取得的成就。作为中部地区高校重点学科建设的缩影,例证了中部地区高校重点学科的发展情况。 虽然中部地区高校重点学科建设取得了一定的成就,但就全国范围来看,,中部地区高校重点学科建设依然存在一些问题,如:国家重点学科总体数量较少、结构布局不尽合理、师资队伍建设滞后等。探讨了影响中部地区高校重点学科建设发展的主要政策因素:国家重点学科的布局受国家政策的影响,是国家政策制度安排的结果。经济因素:中部地区是农业大省,人口众多,受国家发展战略的影响,经济发展落后。高等教育方面的原因:高层次高水平高校较少,基础薄弱。 加强中部地区高校重点学科建设,应当从改善其发展的政策制度环境做起,争取国家的政策支持;中部各省之间各高校之间也要从实际情况出发,制定一系列的制度与措施,加强中部地区高校间的合作与交流;同时要加强学科内部建设,强化从人才队伍、创新研究方向、做强优势学科等。 本文的创新之处在于在其它学者研究的基础上,在“中部崛起”的背景下分析中部地区高校重点学科发展情况,通过对比分析,理清了中部地区高校重点学科建设思路,对中部地区重点学科建设提出了发展建议,这将对“中部崛起”战略的实现,中部高等教育发展及重点学科建设具有重要的意义。
[Abstract]:Key disciplines play an important role in the discipline system of higher education. They are an important base for training high-level talents, carrying out scientific research, technological innovation and serving the economy and society, so as to improve the quality of higher education. It is of great significance to promote the core competitiveness and academic influence of the university, promote economic construction, social progress and the development of science, technology and culture. Under the background of "the rise of Central China", this paper analyzes the present situation of the construction of key disciplines in universities in the central region, and emphatically studies the distribution of the key disciplines in the central region in terms of quantity and category. Furthermore, the paper puts forward the problems in the construction of the key subjects in the universities in the central region, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the problems. First of all, this paper analyzes the achievements of the construction of key disciplines in the central region from the macro perspective, exemplifies the achievements in the construction of the key subjects in the universities in the central region from the aspects of scientific and technological innovation, talent training, teaching and scientific research conditions, and the number of key disciplines. From the microcosmic point of view, this paper selects the "211 Project" as an example to illustrate the achievements made in the construction of the key disciplines in the central region of universities in Henan and Hubei provinces. As the epitome of the construction of the key subjects in the central region, it exemplifies the development of the key subjects in the universities in the central region. Although some achievements have been made in the construction of key disciplines in universities in the central region, there are still some problems in the construction of key disciplines in universities in the central region, such as the small number of key subjects in the country, the unreasonable structure and layout. The construction of teaching staff lags behind. The main policy factors affecting the construction and development of key disciplines in universities in central China are discussed. The distribution of national key disciplines is influenced by national policies and is the result of the arrangement of national policies and systems. Economic factors: the central region is a large agricultural province, with a large population, affected by the national development strategy, economic development lags behind. The reason for higher education: high-level colleges and universities are less, the foundation is weak. In order to strengthen the construction of key subjects in universities in the central region, we should start with improving the policy and institutional environment for their development, and strive for the policy support of the state. It is necessary to establish a series of systems and measures to strengthen the cooperation and exchange among colleges and universities in the central region from the point of view of the actual situation. At the same time, we should strengthen the internal construction of discipline, strengthen the team of talents, innovate the research direction, and strengthen the superior discipline. The innovation of this paper lies in the analysis of the development of the key disciplines of universities in the central region under the background of "the rise of the central region" on the basis of other scholars' research, and through the comparative analysis, the author clarifies the train of thought of the construction of the key subjects in the universities in the central region. This paper puts forward some suggestions for the development of the key subjects in the central region, which will be of great significance to the realization of the strategy of "the rise of the central region", the development of higher education and the construction of the key subjects in the central region.


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