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发布时间:2018-11-07 09:02
【摘要】:当代大学生是社会主义现代化建设最宝贵的人才资源,他们肩负历史重任,其思想境界的高低,,直接关系到社会主义现代化建设的成败。随着改革开放的深入发展,我国社会也处于一个重大的转型时期,尚未规范化的市场经济时刻影响着全社会政治、经济、文化的发展,甚至深入到了人们的思想领域。在这样一种大环境下,大学生的道德观念和行为受到了深刻的影响,崇拜实用性、贬低精神道德因素的实利主义也渗透入校园,充斥着很多大学生的心灵,他们忙于实利、忙于物质追求,忽视人生意义的思考,由此造成一些令人瞠目结舌的败德行为时有发生,这也对大学生的道德教育构成了前所未有的严重挑战。 传统伦理道德是我国思想文化领域不可缺少的组成部分。它对中国传统文化的发扬、民族心理的培育产生了深远的影响,具有重大的历史意义。本文通过对传统伦理道德的研读,总结出其精要之所在;寻找关于如何提高大学生的道德素质问题的答案。从而达到提高大学生道德素质的目的。
[Abstract]:Contemporary college students are the most valuable human resources in the construction of socialist modernization. They shoulder the heavy responsibility of history, and their ideological level is directly related to the success or failure of socialist modernization construction. With the deepening development of reform and opening up, our society is also in a major period of transition, the market economy has not yet standardized at all times affecting the development of the whole social politics, economy, culture, and even deep into the field of people's thoughts. In such a general environment, the moral concept and behavior of college students have been deeply affected. The pragmatism that worships practicability and devalues spiritual and moral factors permeates the campus, which is filled with the hearts of many college students, and they are busy with practical interests. Busy with material pursuit and neglecting the thinking of life meaning, some jaw-dropping moral behavior occurs from time to time, which also poses an unprecedented serious challenge to the moral education of college students. Traditional ethics is an indispensable part of our country's ideological and cultural field. It has a profound influence on the development of Chinese traditional culture and the cultivation of national psychology and has great historical significance. Through the study of the traditional ethics, this paper summarizes its essence and finds out the answer to the question of how to improve the moral quality of college students. In order to achieve the purpose of improving the moral quality of college students.


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