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发布时间:2018-11-07 20:24
【摘要】:新生入学教育是大学教育的起点,是大学生涯的第一课,同时也是学生思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分,做好新生入学教育工作对于新生了解学校、了解大学学习与生活的基本特点和要求,尽快完成从高中到大学的角色转变,增强自我管理、自我教育和主动学习、立志成才的能力,以昂扬向上、饱满热情的精神状态投入到大学生活中去具有十分重要的意义。因此,各高校应该提高对新生入学教育工作的重视程度,进行深入地探索和研究,不断完善入学教育体系,真正发挥入学教育对于大学生成长成才应有的作用。 回顾近十年来各高校新生入学教育的发展,在某些方面虽取得了一定的突破和效果,,但是将“以人为本”理念融入到新生入学教育中的共识并没有更好地推进、践行。因此本文旨在通过对新生入学教育现状、存在的问题及原因进行分析研究,主要思考在“以人为本”理念下如何加强高校新生入学教育,以期形成一套更加具有针对性和实用性的新生入学教育工作体系,为提高高校新生入学教育的效果做出贡献。
[Abstract]:The entrance education of freshmen is the starting point of university education, the first lesson of college life, and also an important part of students' ideological and political education. To understand the basic characteristics and requirements of college study and life, to complete the role transition from high school to university as soon as possible, to enhance the ability of self-management, self-education and active learning, and to be determined to become a talented person, so as to make a great progress. It is of great significance that a passionate state of mind is devoted to college life. Therefore, colleges and universities should pay more attention to the work of freshmen's entrance education, conduct in-depth exploration and research, constantly improve the system of admission education, and truly give full play to the role that entrance education should play in the growth and development of college students. Looking back on the development of freshmen's entrance education in recent ten years, although it has made certain breakthrough and effect in some aspects, the consensus of integrating "people-oriented" concept into freshmen's entrance education has not been better advanced and practiced. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the present situation, existing problems and reasons of freshmen's entrance education, and to consider how to strengthen the college freshmen's entrance education under the concept of "people-oriented". In order to form a set of more targeted and practical work system of freshmen entrance education, to improve the effect of college freshmen enrollment education.


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