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发布时间:2018-11-08 15:52
【摘要】:21世纪是科学技术迅猛发展的时代,在依靠新的发明发现和创新推动发展的知识经济社会中,民族创新能力的培养成为时代的主旋律。创新教育已成为时代发展的必然趋势。提高自主创新能力,建设创新型国家,是国家发展战略的核心和提高综合国力的关键,建设创新型国家就需要培养创新型人才。1999年第三次全国教育工作会议上正式提出创新教育以来,全国各大高校都在探索创新教育的方法,把培养创新型人才作为高校培养学生的终极目标。国家高度重视创新教育改革,对于高等教育应培养创新型人才的使命已取得了共识。 中央十六号文件《关于进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育的意见》的发布,确立了高校辅导员开展大学生思想政治教育工作的主体地位。2006年国务院制定的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》(2006—2020)确定了“自主创新、重点跨越、支撑发展、引领未来”的指导方针,并指出“要实施人才强国战略,切实加强科技人才队伍建设,充分发挥教育在创新人才培养中的重要作用”。根据新时期国家针对高等教育的总体部署来看,培养创新型人才和加强大学生思想政治教育工作成为高校教育工作的重点。本文将高校培养创新型人才的目标和高校辅导员的日常工作相结合,探索如何更好地发挥辅导员在创新型人才培养中的作用。 论文通过研究我国高校辅导员和创新教育的发展历程,对高校辅导员和创新教育的概念界定有了明确的认识。从阶段划分的角度,对“新时期”进行了概念的界定。根据《普通高等学校辅导员队伍建设规定》的精神,总结出新时期高校辅导员的工作职责,并从宏观和微观两个角度对辅导员进行了角色定位。本文通过对某高校文、理、工、医四个学科不同年级的600名学生进行了问卷调查,回收有效问卷568份,通过问卷分析得出如下结论:第一,目前大学生创新素质的现状和高校辅导员参与大学生创新型人才培养工作的现状,分析存在的问题并提出改进措施。第二,明确了高校辅导员参与创新型人才培养的必要性。第三,分析在学生的视角下,高校辅导员对培养大学生创新素质的影响因素。以影响因素为切入点,来探析高校辅导员在创新型人才培养中的作用,通过实际工作经验和查阅文献相结合,探索出如何更好地发挥辅导员在培养创新型人才中的作用。
[Abstract]:The 21st century is the era of the rapid development of science and technology. In the knowledge economy society which depends on the discovery and innovation of new inventions, the cultivation of national innovation ability has become the main melody of the times. Innovative education has become the inevitable trend of the development of the times. Improving the ability of independent innovation and building an innovative country are the core of the national development strategy and the key to improving the overall national strength. To build an innovative country, we need to train innovative talents. Since the third National Conference on Education work in 1999 formally proposed innovative education, all major universities in the country have been exploring innovative education methods. It is the ultimate goal of colleges and universities to cultivate innovative talents. The country attaches great importance to the reform of innovative education and has reached a consensus on the mission of cultivating innovative talents in higher education. The Central Committee's document No. 16, "opinions on further strengthening and improving College students' ideological and political Education," The main status of college counselors in carrying out ideological and political education for college students has been established. In 2006, the State Council formulated the outline of the National medium and long term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020), which stipulates "Independent innovation, emphasis leaps and bounds, support for development," The guiding principle of "leading the future" and pointing out that "it is necessary to implement the strategy of strengthening the country by talents, strengthen the construction of the contingent of scientific and technological talents, and give full play to the important role of education in the cultivation of innovative talents". According to the overall arrangement of higher education in the new period, cultivating innovative talents and strengthening ideological and political education of college students have become the focus of higher education. This paper combines the goal of cultivating innovative talents in colleges and universities with the daily work of college counselors to explore how to better play the role of counselors in the cultivation of innovative talents. By studying the development course of college counselors and innovative education in China, this paper has a clear understanding of the definition of college counselors and innovative education. This paper defines the concept of "new period" from the angle of stage division. According to the spirit of "regulations on the Construction of College counselors", this paper sums up the work responsibilities of college counselors in the new period, and positions the role of counselors from both macro and micro perspectives. In this paper, 600 students of different grades of literature, science, engineering and medicine in a university were investigated, and 568 valid questionnaires were collected. The conclusions are as follows: first, The present situation of college students' innovative quality and the present situation of college counselors' participation in the cultivation of innovative talents of college students are analyzed, and the improvement measures are put forward. Secondly, the necessity for college counselors to participate in the cultivation of innovative talents is clarified. Thirdly, it analyzes the influence factors of college counselors on the cultivation of college students' innovative quality from the perspective of students. This paper analyzes the role of college counselors in the cultivation of innovative talents from the point of view of influencing factors, and explores how to play the role of counselors in cultivating innovative talents better through the combination of practical work experience and reference documents.


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