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发布时间:2018-11-09 10:16
【摘要】:诚信,是指诚实、守信用。诚信是做人交往的一个基本准则。我国近三十年经济方面高速增长,成为经济大国。然而,与物质文明快速发展不匹配的却是精神文明没有达到我们的理想境界,诚信建设成为全社会亟需解决的一个工程。当代大学生是祖国的未来,将来社会的中坚力量,提升大学生的诚信水准是我们由人力资源大国向人力资源强国转变所必须完成的任务。关于大学生诚信制度建设的研究已有一些成果,有的已从研究层面进入实践层面。本文试图在学习他人研究成果和实践经验的基础上,分析当代大学生诚信制度建设存在问题的原因,探讨推进当代大学生诚信制度建设的策略。全文由三部分组成: 第一部分:当代大学生诚信制度建设与相关概念。主要界定诚信、诚信制度、诚信制度建设、当代大学生诚信制度、当代大学生诚信制度建设等概念的含义,同时阐述开展当代大学生诚信制度建设研究的价值。 第二部分:介绍我国大学生诚信制度建设的现状,了解取得的成就,探析存在的问题及背后的原因。着重指出存在当代大学生诚信制度建设不够全面、建设内容滞后于当代大学生生活、建设与实施存在脱节等问题,并分析原因。 第三部分:提出推进大学生诚信制度建设的对策,包括营造良好的诚信社会环境、加强大学生诚信教育制度建设、健全当代大学生诚信制度体系等应对策略。
[Abstract]:Honesty refers to honesty and keeping promise. Good faith is a basic criterion for people's communication. Our country nearly 30 years economy aspect high-speed growth, becomes the economic big country. However, what does not match with the rapid development of material civilization is that spiritual civilization has not reached our ideal state, and the construction of honesty and credit has become a project that the whole society needs to solve. Contemporary college students are the future of the motherland, the backbone of the future society, to improve the integrity of college students is the task that we must complete in the transition from a large country of human resources to a powerful country of human resources. There have been some achievements in the construction of college students' credit system, some of which have entered the practical level. On the basis of studying the research achievements and practical experience of others, this paper attempts to analyze the causes of the problems in the construction of the honesty system of contemporary college students, and to explore the strategies to promote the construction of the honesty system of the contemporary college students. The thesis consists of three parts: the first part: the construction and related concepts of honesty system of contemporary college students. This paper mainly defines the meaning of the concepts of honesty, credit system construction and contemporary college students' credit system construction, and expounds the value of carrying out the research on the construction of contemporary college students' credit system. The second part: introduce the present situation of honesty and credit system construction of college students in China, understand the achievements, analyze the existing problems and the reasons behind it. It is pointed out emphatically that the construction of honesty and credit system of contemporary college students is not comprehensive enough, the content of construction lags behind the life of contemporary college students, and the construction is out of touch with the implementation, and the reasons are analyzed. The third part puts forward the countermeasures of promoting the construction of college students' honesty system, including creating a good social environment of honesty and credit, strengthening the construction of college students' honesty education system, and perfecting the system of contemporary college students' honesty and credit system, and so on.


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