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发布时间:2018-11-10 07:10
【摘要】:“90后”大学生是在社会转型和西方思潮大量涌入背景下成长起来的,他们的价值观具有不同于其他年代大学生的特点,其价值观不仅影响着他们自身的发展,也关系到国家和民族的复兴。“90后”大学生价值观主要包括学习价值观、人际价值观、恋爱价值观、择业价值观,是思想政治教育的主要内容,是构建和谐社会的关键因素,是促进社会发展的重要组成。因此,对“90后”大学生的价值观进行研究意义重大。 本文通过对我国“90后”大学生价值观现状进行探析,分析了我国“90后”大学生价值观的双重效应。正值效应主要表现为对事物的评价范围扩大,角度增大,更具丰富性和深刻性;在人际交往的价值取向方面追求平等、主动、互信、开放;在恋爱价值取向上大体是健康向上的,处理适当,是一切正能量的催化剂;在选择职业中价值取向趋向理性化。负值效应主要表现为重知识轻实践;重个体本位轻群体本位;对性开放的理解偏差;追求自我价值与社会价值的矛盾。针对负值效应剖析了原因:高校育人模式及社会环境对学习价值观的影响,独生子女的家庭环境及社会转型期对人际价值观的影响,西方文化思潮和大众传媒对大学生恋爱价值观的影响,家庭教育及市场机制对择业价值观的影响。根据“90后”大学生价值观的负值效应和原因分析,本文提出了相应的解决措施:重视社会实践在大学生价值观树立中的指导作用,包括培养创新能力,体会诚信价值,培养社会责任感,发挥企业功效。加强高校在大学生价值观培育中的主体地位,包括体现创造性教学,开展课堂诚信教学,开放系统的性教育理论体系,实用性的就业指导。提高家庭教育在大学生价值观教育中的辅助作用,包括营造和谐的家庭氛围,凸显父母的言传身教。尊重个人素质在大学生价值观形成中的内在作用,包括端正学习意识,加强人际意识,摆正婚恋意识,完善择业意识。
[Abstract]:The "post-90s" college students grew up under the background of social transformation and the influx of western thoughts. Their values are different from those of college students of other ages, and their values not only affect their own development. It is also related to the rejuvenation of our country and nation. The values of post-90s college students mainly include learning values, interpersonal values, love values, career values, which are the main contents of ideological and political education and the key factors in building a harmonious society. It is an important component of promoting social development. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the values of post-1990 college students. Based on the analysis of the present situation of the post-90s college students' values in China, this paper analyzes the dual effects of the post-90s college students' values. The positive effect mainly shows that the scope of evaluation is enlarged, the angle is enlarged, the value orientation of interpersonal communication is equal, initiative, mutual trust and openness. The value orientation of love is generally healthy and upward, the appropriate treatment is the catalyst of all positive energy, and the value orientation tends to be rational in the choice of profession. The negative value effect is mainly manifested as the emphasis on knowledge and practice, the emphasis on individual standard and group standard, the deviation of understanding of sex openness, and the pursuit of contradiction between self-value and social value. In view of the negative value effect, this paper analyzes the reasons: the influence of the educational model and social environment of the university on the learning values, the influence of the only child's family environment and the social transition period on the interpersonal values. The influence of western cultural thoughts and mass media on college students' love values, and the influence of family education and market mechanism on career values. Based on the analysis of the negative value effect and reason of the post-90s college students' values, this paper puts forward the corresponding solutions: paying attention to the guiding role of social practice in the setting up of college students' values, including cultivating the ability of innovation and understanding the value of honesty and credit. Cultivate a sense of social responsibility and give full play to the effectiveness of an enterprise. Strengthening the main position of colleges and universities in the cultivation of college students' values includes the embodiment of creative teaching, the development of classroom honesty teaching, the opening of systematic sex education theory system, and the practical employment guidance. To improve the role of family education in the value education of college students, including creating a harmonious family atmosphere, highlighting the parents' personal education. The intrinsic function of respecting personal quality in the formation of college students' values includes correct learning consciousness, strengthening interpersonal consciousness, correcting marriage and love consciousness, and perfecting the sense of choosing a career.


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