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发布时间:2018-11-10 07:25
【摘要】:大学生是维护国家统一和民族团结的中坚力量。他们的民族团结思想意识如何,直接关系到“平等、团结、互助、和谐”的民族关系能否形成,关系着我国各民族同胞能否通过共同奋斗,以顺利实现共同繁荣的明天。在我国继续实施改革开放的大道上,在经济社会转型的关键时期,面对国内外敌对份子企图对大学生进行思想渗透的现实,加强大学生民族团结教育已成为全社会的共识。从大学生民族团结教育实际出发,与时俱进的来探讨加强和改进大学生民族团结教育有效性的途径对策,,意义重大。 文章以民族问题、民族团结教育和有效性的基本概念入手。在党和国家开展民族团结教育工作情况的基础上,论述大学生民族团结教育是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要和保障,是维护我国各民族团结的正能量方式。 在对现阶段大学生民族团结教育的现状作了比较客观的定位后。肯定了绝大多数大学生能够认识到民族团结教育的重要性,能够自觉树立民族团结思想意识的同时,也指出有很少一部分学生的国家民族观念、民族团结思想意识淡薄,学校教育过程自身开展不力等问题。并围绕大学生对党和国家民族政策的认识深度,学校开展民族团结教育活动的过程,民族团结教育课程对大学生的受用力这三个方面凸显的、影响民族团结教育有效开展的问题,来论述现阶段大学生民族团结教育的现状。 文章在把呈现的问题进行归因的同时,从学生客体层面出发,围绕高校如何有效提升大学生民族团结教育效果为主线来展开论述。通过对大学生民族团结教育整体涉及到的教育主客体、教育内容、教育环境、教育环节、教育目标五大方面因素的开展过程进行论证。不但就某单个因素引起的问题提出对策,也就如何协调各要素使之形成合力做了探讨,来综合论证大学生民族团结教育有效性的方法和途径。
[Abstract]:College students are the backbone of national unity and national unity. Their ideology of national unity is directly related to the formation of "equality, unity, mutual aid and harmony" national relations, and whether our compatriots of all nationalities can work together to realize the future of common prosperity. On the main road of carrying out reform and opening up in our country, in the critical period of economic and social transformation, it has become the consensus of the whole society to strengthen the education of national unity of college students in the face of the reality that hostile elements at home and abroad are trying to infiltrate the ideology of college students. It is of great significance to explore ways to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of national unity education for college students from the perspective of the reality of national unity education of college students and keep pace with the times. The article starts with the basic concepts of ethnic issues, national unity education and effectiveness. On the basis of the national unity education carried out by the Party and the state, this paper discusses that the national unity education of college students is the need and guarantee of building a harmonious socialist society, and is a positive energy way to maintain the unity of all nationalities in our country. In the present stage of national unity education of college students to make a more objective positioning. Affirming that the vast majority of college students can recognize the importance of national unity education and consciously establish the ideological consciousness of national unity, and at the same time pointing out that there are a small number of students with a national concept and a weak sense of national unity. The school education process itself develops ineffectively and so on the question. And focusing on the students' understanding of the Party and the national policy, the process of carrying out the educational activities of national unity in the school, and the exertion of the curriculum of the national unity education to the college students, these three aspects are highlighted. This paper discusses the current situation of national unity education for college students. While attributing the problems presented, this paper discusses how to effectively promote the educational effect of national unity in colleges and universities from the perspective of students' object. This paper demonstrates the development process of the education subject and object, educational content, educational environment, educational link and educational goal of the university students' national unity education as a whole, including the subject and object of education, the content of education, the educational environment, the educational link and the educational goal. This paper not only puts forward countermeasures to the problems caused by a single factor, but also probes into how to coordinate the various elements to form a resultant force, so as to comprehensively demonstrate the methods and approaches of the effectiveness of college students' national unity education.


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