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发布时间:2018-11-15 06:54
【摘要】:高校肩负着教育青年,引导舆论先锋的重要使命。所以高校要以科学的理论武装学生,以正确的舆论引导学生,以先进的榜样激励学生,以光荣的传统教育学生。大庆精神是中华民族精神的重要组成部分。大庆精神凝聚了中华民族的传统美德,同时也体现了中华民族的社会公德,具有丰厚的思想内涵。大庆精神能够满足高校思想政治教育的需要,加强高校思想政治教育,把大庆精神融入高校思想政治教育具有重要的现实意义。 大庆精神因其无法比拟的历史价值和教育价值,使其必然成为高校思想政治教育的生动教材。通过研究大庆精神与高校思想政治教育之间的关系,发现大庆精神对于人的内在品格的塑造、价值观的形成、心理健康的培养都起着积极的作用。通过大庆精神进课堂、大庆精神进校园文化、大庆精神进学生活动等方式,找到了把大庆精神融入高校思想政治教育的有效切入点。在与大庆油田同生共长的学校里,大庆精神是学校宝贵的精神财富,是学校的育人之魂。用大庆精神办学、育人已经成为其优良传统和鲜明特色,发挥大庆精神育人优势,打造了学生思想道德教育的特色品牌。通过分析大庆精神融入高校思想政治教育成功的经验和范例,进一步探索大庆精神融入高校思想政治教育的有效途径。 把学习和弘扬大庆精神与培养大学生自身良好的思想道德素质有机地结合起来,,对于不断引导和激励当代大学生自觉地提高、完善自身思想道德素质具有重要的现实意义。找出一条把大庆精神更好地融入高校思想政治教育的有效途径,进一步增强高校思想政治教育的创新机制。
[Abstract]:Colleges and universities shoulder the important mission of educating young people and guiding public opinion pioneers. Therefore, colleges and universities should arm students with scientific theory, guide students with correct public opinion, inspire students with advanced examples, and educate students with glorious tradition. Daqing spirit is an important part of the spirit of the Chinese nation. The spirit of Daqing embodies the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and embodies the social morality of the Chinese nation. Daqing spirit can meet the needs of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. It is of great practical significance to strengthen ideological and political education in colleges and universities and to integrate Daqing spirit into ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Because of its incomparable historical value and educational value, Daqing Spirit is bound to become a vivid teaching material for ideological and political education in colleges and universities. By studying the relationship between Daqing spirit and ideological and political education in colleges and universities, it is found that Daqing spirit plays an active role in shaping people's inner character, forming values and cultivating mental health. Through Daqing spirit into the classroom, Daqing spirit into the campus culture, Daqing spirit into student activities and other ways to find the Daqing spirit into the ideological and political education in colleges and universities effective entry point. Daqing spirit is the precious spiritual wealth and the soul of the school. Using the spirit of Daqing to run a school, educating people has become its fine tradition and distinctive characteristics, giving full play to the advantages of Daqing's spirit of educating people and creating a special brand of students' ideological and moral education. By analyzing the successful experiences and examples of Daqing spirit in ideological and political education in colleges and universities, this paper further explores the effective ways for Daqing spirit to integrate into ideological and political education in colleges and universities. Combining the study and promotion of Daqing spirit with the cultivation of good ideological and moral quality of college students is of great practical significance for constantly guiding and encouraging contemporary college students to consciously improve and perfect their own ideological and moral qualities. Find out an effective way to better integrate Daqing spirit into ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and further strengthen the innovative mechanism of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.


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