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发布时间:2018-11-15 07:56
【摘要】:随着人类社会的发展,文化建设在经济建设高速发展的当今社会中的地位和作用越来越重要。大学校园文化作为社会文化建设的先导,大学校园文化建设也备受重视,大学校园文化建设日益成为衡量大学综合实力的重要指标之一。 通过对文化的释义、文化融会概念的释义以及对中西文化融会的释义来研究以上文化对大学校园文化建设的影响和作用,文中有对文化的融会方法的解释,以期通过中西文化融会对大学校园文化建设的发展有所推进。中西文化在交流冲突中不断融会对校园文化的发展有着不可忽视的影响。 在建设大学校园文化部分,通过关注中西文化融会在在大学校园文化发展过程中的历史回顾以及现在中西文化融会在大学文化的现状以及对中西文化融会在大学校园文化建设中作用的未来发展眺望来解释中西文化在大学校园文化建设过程中一直是不可替代的文化促进。通过对中西文化的融会在大学校园文化中的理念、教育价值观以及学术精神的体现的表述,阐述现代大学校园文化建设中中西文化融会的通过大学校园的物质文化制度文化的建设体现中西文化的融会在大学校园文化建设中的作用。
[Abstract]:With the development of human society, cultural construction plays an increasingly important role in the rapid development of economy. As the forerunner of the construction of social culture, the construction of university campus culture has been paid more and more attention. The construction of university campus culture has increasingly become one of the important indicators to measure the comprehensive strength of the university. Through the interpretation of culture, the concept of cultural integration and the interpretation of the cultural integration between China and the West to study the above culture on the campus culture construction and the impact of the above, there is an explanation of the method of cultural integration. In order to promote the development of campus culture construction through the integration of Chinese and western cultures. The continuous integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the exchange conflict has an important influence on the development of campus culture. In the construction of campus culture, By paying close attention to the historical review of the cultural integration between China and the West in the course of the development of campus culture, the present situation of the integration of Chinese and Western cultures in the university culture and the future of the role of the integration of Chinese and western cultures in the construction of university campus culture, the paper discusses the future of cultural integration between China and the West Development overlooking to explain the Chinese and Western culture in the process of campus culture construction has been irreplaceable cultural promotion. Through the combination of Chinese and Western culture in the campus culture of the concept, educational values and the expression of academic spirit, This paper expounds the construction of modern university campus culture and the function of Chinese and western culture in the construction of university campus culture through the construction of material culture system culture of university campus.


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