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发布时间:2018-11-15 13:42
【摘要】:随着我国高等教育的日益发达,大学社会评价也应运而生,并受到越来越多人的关注。大学社会评价,作为高等教育的第三方评价,相对于政府评价和大学自评,有着不可比拟的优势。但我国大学社会评价由于起步晚、技术落后等原因,一直在不断摸索中前进。在这其间,我国借鉴很多西方发达国家大学社会评价的方式,最重要的是大学排行榜,这也是大学社会评价的中坚力量。 大学社会评价的存在,除了基于对高等教育质量的保障的现实需求外,更加是高等教育质量理念的衍生物。它们之间是根与枝的关系,也就是说无论基于何种大学社会评价方式,但最根本的评价理念始终也以种表现形式贯穿在这当中。因此,我们对大学社会评价理念的研究是十分有必有的。 本文的研究正是基于对大学社会评价理念的研究而展开的。以研究西方发达国家(美、英)的大学社会评价的历史沿革为基础,从中挖掘出美英两国的大学社会评价理念,并从差异性中找出其理念的共性,即:首先,美英两国的大学社会评价外部体系(包括外部认证保障组织和大学排行榜)都把评价的独立性和客观性放在第一位;其次,都以权力相互制衡的理念搭建外部保障体系,以保障公允性;最后,都以满足一定的社会需求为导向。 找出美英两国理念上的共性后,再对我国大学社会评价的历史沿革进行深入的挖掘,归纳出我国大学社会评价所秉承的理念。与西方发达国家大学社会评价理对比后发现,我国存在的问题集中体现在:其一,,缺乏对独立性和客观性的高度重视;其二,对质量观单一化评价;其三,重结果,轻过程的评价。针对这三点问题,读者从政治、经济和文化角度做出了解析,找出西方发达国家与我国大学社会评价理念的异同,借鉴西方发达国家的优秀理念,从而树立我国大学社会评价的理念。
[Abstract]:With the development of higher education in our country, the social evaluation of university comes into being, and more people pay attention to it. College social evaluation, as a third party evaluation of higher education, has an incomparable advantage over government evaluation and university self-evaluation. However, due to the late start and backward technology, the social evaluation of universities in China has been groping forward. During this period, our country draws lessons from the way of university social evaluation in many western developed countries, the most important one is university ranking, which is also the backbone of university social evaluation. The existence of university social evaluation is not only based on the realistic demand for the guarantee of higher education quality, but also a derivative of higher education quality concept. The relationship between them is root and branch, that is to say, no matter what kind of university social evaluation mode, but the most fundamental evaluation concept has always been in the form of expression throughout the process. Therefore, our research on the concept of university social evaluation is very necessary. The research of this paper is based on the research of the concept of university social evaluation. Based on the study of the historical evolution of university social evaluation in western developed countries (America and Britain), this paper excavates out the university social evaluation ideas of the United States and Britain, and finds out the commonness of their ideas from the differences, that is, first of all, The external system of university social evaluation in the United States and Britain (including external certification organizations and university rankings) puts the independence and objectivity of evaluation first. Secondly, the concept of checks and balances of power to build an external security system to ensure fairness; finally, to meet certain social needs as a guide. After finding out the commonness of the American and British concepts, the historical evolution of the university social evaluation in our country is deeply excavated, and the concept of the university social evaluation in our country is summed up. Comparing with the social evaluation theory of university in western developed countries, we find that the problems in our country are as follows: first, lack of attention to independence and objectivity, second, single evaluation of quality view; Third, emphasis on results, less evaluation of the process. In view of these three questions, the readers have made an analysis from the political, economic and cultural angles, found out the similarities and differences between the western developed countries and our university social evaluation ideas, and used the excellent ideas of the western developed countries for reference. So as to establish the concept of social evaluation of universities in China.


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