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发布时间:2018-11-16 20:44
[Abstract]:The honesty education of contemporary college students is the key link of cultivating socialist core values, and the research object of regional cities is the weak link of the research on honesty education of college students. Based on the facts of social investigation, this paper discusses the problem of honesty and credit education of college students in Wuxi by means of the combination of empirical analysis and logical analysis. Honesty, as a moral standard, is the combination of honesty in daily behavior and credit in formal communication, which requires honesty, keeping promise, and not just honesty. It is not only a life attitude and value orientation, but also a behavior model to regulate interpersonal relationship, and also a standard of evaluation of sound personality. The broad sense of honesty education for college students is to internalize the norms of honesty and credit into the behavior habits of college students through all possible channels and methods. It includes not only formal school education, but also non-formal government, enterprises, and society. Model education for family activities. According to the investigation and analysis of the facts, the problems of honesty education of college students in Wuxi are that some parents' education is out of order and has not set a good example, the social reputation mechanism of traditional acquaintances is out of order, the effect of honesty and credit education in school classroom is not ideal; Moreover, the behavior of honesty teacher is influenced by narrow interests, which conveys contradictory signals or influences on college students' integrity. These problems are mainly from the three levels of concept, system and behavior, that is, some parents' values are distorted, the interests are neglected, and the integrity personality is neglected, which leads to the negative influence of their words and deeds on college students. The mechanism of encouraging and punishing the government's honesty and credit has a limited function of correction, and the educator's behavior of knowledge and behavior is divided and the educational goal is contradictory, which makes the educational effect counteract each other. In general, the problem lies in the lack of a common goal-oriented concept, institutional and behavioral integration. To improve the effectiveness of honesty and credit education for college students in Wuxi, we should integrate the school with the same strategic goals and principles in view of the multiple teaching subjects inside and outside the school, the conflicting standards and objectives. The honesty and credit education behavior of government and family play a mutually reinforcing role. Under the guidance of the strategic goal of cultivating college students' good faith behavior habit, we should give play to the respective advantages of family, school and government, and focus on their respective tasks and responsibilities. The family emphasizes on the cultivation of integrity personality in the process of college students' pre-school growth, and the school emphasizes on cognitive education. The government focuses on the construction of the system. It is mainly that the teachers adjust their behavior, coordinate and cooperate with each other according to the common educational goal, and improve the honesty and credit education of students in Wuxi to achieve the expected results.


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