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发布时间:2018-11-17 15:13
【摘要】:随着我国改革开放的不断推进和经济体制的转轨以及社会关系的变迁,高校教育基金会逐渐兴起。在基金会成立初期,即20世纪90年代,我国的经济转型与高等教育财政体制改革,扩大了高校的办学自主权,也极大地增强了高校多渠道筹集资金的积极性,于是政府成为高校教育基金会产生的第一股推动力。此时,高校管理者也确信通过高校教育基金会这一组织可以有效地募集到发展高等教育和社会公益事业所急需的资金。因此,,在这些综合因素的推动下,高校教育基金会应运而生。 随着社会财富的聚集和人们慈善意识的提高以及2(004年《基金会管理条例》的出台,由市场内生的高校教育基金会应运而生,这类高校教育基金会是市场中财富创造者回馈社会公益事业的通道,以私募基金会为主。随着中国市场经济体制的逐步完善以及政府对资源控制能力的减弱,市场内生路径将逐步代替政府推动路径,成为中国高校教育基金会最主要的产生因素;高校教育基金会的功能将逐步实现从以募集资源为主的“聚则”作用过渡到以回馈社会为主的“散财”作用的转变。与此同时,高校教育基金会的独立性逐渐加强,社会化程度不断提高。但高校教育基金会在寻求独立发展中,高校教育基金会项目的设计显得尤为重要。 近年来,高校教育基金会异军突起,高校教育基金会数量大幅增加,本文以国内外相关的项目管理理论为研究依据,从我国高校教育基金会项目设计的现状分析入手,提出了项目设计阶段的工作内容和重点进行强化高校教育基金会的项目设计程序控制,构建优秀的项目运作团队,在初步设计阶段大力推行优化设计,在项目实施阶段引入质量功能展开模型和价值管理,并通过基金会的项目设计管理来论证了所提出的观点。本文共分为四个部分,围绕高校教育基金会项目设计的相关问题进行展开分析,以此揭示高校教育基金会项目设计面临的问题以及探索高校教育基金会项目设计的新方案。第一部分导论,主要介绍研究背景提出问题、进行文献综述、界定核心概念与理论基础、确定研究思路和方法。第二部分主要分析高校教育基金会项目设计现状。第三部分主要是对高校教育基金会项目设计创新的探索。第四部分是对高校教育基金会项目设计创新案例进行论证分析。本文提出的高校教育基金会项目设计创新的途径,对高校教育基金会项目设计管理有一定的借鉴价值。希望通过本文的研究对高校教育基金会的发展有所帮助。
[Abstract]:With the development of reform and opening up, the transition of economic system and social relations, the foundation of higher education is rising. In the early years of the foundation, that is, in the 1990s, China's economic transformation and the reform of the financial system of higher education expanded the autonomy of colleges and universities in running schools, and greatly enhanced the enthusiasm of colleges and universities in raising funds through various channels. So the government became the first driving force of higher education foundation. At this time, university administrators are also convinced that through the college education foundation, the organization can effectively raise the much-needed funds for the development of higher education and social welfare. Therefore, under these comprehensive factors, the university education foundation arises at the historic moment. With the accumulation of social wealth and the improvement of people's charity consciousness and the promulgation of the "Foundation Management regulations" in 2004, the college education foundation, which is born in the market, came into being. This kind of college education foundation is a channel for wealth creators in the market to give back to social welfare, mainly private equity foundations. With the gradual improvement of China's market economy system and the weakening of the government's ability to control resources, the market endogenous path will gradually take the place of the government-driven path and become the most important factor of the Chinese higher education foundation. The function of college education foundation will gradually realize the transition from "gathering principle" function which is mainly to collecting resources to "free money" function which is mainly to give back to the society. At the same time, the independence of the college education foundation is gradually strengthened and the degree of socialization is continuously improved. However, in the process of seeking independent development, the design of college education foundation project is particularly important. In recent years, the university education foundation has suddenly emerged, and the number of university education foundation has increased greatly. This paper, based on the relevant project management theory at home and abroad, starts with the analysis of the present situation of the project design of the university education foundation in our country. The contents and emphases of the project design stage are put forward to strengthen the program control of the project design of the university education foundation, to construct the excellent project operation team, and to carry out the optimization design vigorously in the preliminary design stage. The quality function deployment model and value management are introduced in the stage of project implementation, and the viewpoint is demonstrated through the project design management of the foundation. This paper is divided into four parts, which focus on the analysis of the problems related to the project design of the university education foundation, so as to reveal the problems faced by the project design of the university education foundation and explore the new project design scheme of the university education foundation. The first part is the introduction, which mainly introduces the research background and questions, carries on the literature review, defines the core concept and the theoretical foundation, determines the research thought and the method. The second part mainly analyzes the current situation of university education foundation project design. The third part mainly explores the innovation of university education foundation project design. The fourth part is the demonstration and analysis of the project design innovation case of university education foundation. The innovative ways of the project design of the university education foundation proposed in this paper have certain reference value for the project design management of the university education foundation. It is hoped that the research in this paper will be helpful to the development of college education foundation.


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