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发布时间:2018-11-18 07:27
[Abstract]:The continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform has brought new changes to the requirements of teachers' quality, especially with the promulgation of the outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020), improving the overall comprehensive quality of teachers and facing specialization. High quality has become the most basic requirement of teacher education. Teacher specialization is an important means to realize the new curriculum reform and a decisive factor for the success of the new curriculum reform. With the development of subject teaching knowledge, more and more people pay attention to subject teaching knowledge. It is found that subject teaching knowledge can distinguish teachers from other professions, which is a special knowledge of teachers, which also has a significant impact on teachers' teaching work, and is the basic factor to improve teachers' comprehensive quality. The structure of the subject teaching knowledge of pre-service teachers can measure the level of pre-service teachers and affect whether they can adapt to the work of teachers. Only if pre-service teachers have abundant subject teaching knowledge can they adapt to teacher work or even be qualified for teacher work as soon as possible. The research on the structure of experimental teaching knowledge of physics teachers in junior middle school is a description of experimental teaching knowledge. This study uses two different clues to interview the outstanding physics teachers to understand the master of the outstanding physics teachers' experimental teaching knowledge in junior high school, and to conduct a questionnaire survey to the pre-service physics teachers. To understand the structure of physics experimental teaching knowledge of physics teachers in junior middle school. The difference was found by comparing the two cues. This paper summarizes the methods of increasing the experimental teaching knowledge of pre-vocational physics teachers in junior high school and raises the level of experimental teaching knowledge of pre-vocational physics teachers. Through the investigation, it is found that the physical pre-service teachers lack the experimental knowledge in the knowledge of experimental curriculum, the knowledge about experimental equipment is poor in the knowledge of experimental skills and the knowledge about students' experimental study is not paid enough attention to. The main reason is that the understanding of the relevant knowledge is not specific and in-depth, the less reading of books and professional articles in pedagogy, and the lack of understanding of students, is the result of teaching strategies of pre-service physics teachers. The main reasons of teaching evaluation and lack of knowledge about students' learning also lead to the biggest difference between pre-service physics teachers and outstanding physics teachers. After the investigation, some effective methods to improve the teachers' experimental teaching knowledge from the aspects of themselves and the outside world are summarized.


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