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发布时间:2018-11-18 09:01
【摘要】:独立学院是在我国高等教育大众化及跨越式发展的背景下,为满足人民群众日益增长的对高等教育多样化的需要而创办的一种新的高等教育办学模式。自20世纪90年代末,独立学院作为一种新机制在我国高等学校产生以来,目前已经步入由规模扩张向内涵发展的崭新路径。建立一支稳定的、高素质的师资队伍,不仅是独立学院教学水平的保证,也是独立学院能够取得社会认可、实现长期生存发展的关键。而高素质的师资队伍的建立,必然离不开一套科学、公平、高效的教师绩效评价体系。 该论文是在总结教师评价、教师评价体系以及评价方法等方面所做工作的基础上,以NC独立学院为基本研究对象,通过继承、分析和发展,对NC独立学院的绩效评价体系的现状以及存在的问题进行了分析,同时结合NC独立学院的现实实际,引入KPI和BSC的有关前沿思想,初步设计了一套适合于NC独立学院教师绩效评价的体系。归纳起来主要取得了以下成果: 1、论文在对绩效考核的相关理论进行系统阐述的基础上,对绩效考核KPI指标体系的相关理论进行了梳理。 2、论文通过对NC独立学院教师绩效考核研究现状的分析,系统总结了目前NC独立学院绩效考核体系中存在的问题和不足,并提出了构建NC独立学院教师绩效考核体系的原则。 3、论文依据所提原则,以目标一致性理论和关键绩效指标考核理论作为指导,结合NC独立学院的现状,提出了构建NC独立学院教师绩效考核体系的方法和步骤,确定了NC独立学院的主体,并构建了独立学院教师的绩效考核指标体系。 论文的创新之处在于从不同的视角对绩效考核指标的重要性进行了实证研究,以目标一致性理论和关键绩效指标理论为指导,以实证数据为依据,运用层次分析法构建了NC独立学院的绩效评价体系。
[Abstract]:Under the background of popularization and leap-forward development of higher education in China, the independent college is a new mode of running higher education to meet the increasing needs of the people for the diversification of higher education. Since the emergence of independent colleges as a new mechanism in China in the late 1990s, independent colleges have stepped into a new path from scale expansion to connotation development. The establishment of a stable and high-quality teaching staff is not only the guarantee of the teaching level of the independent college, but also the key for the independent college to obtain social recognition and realize the long-term survival and development. The establishment of high-quality teachers must be inseparable from a set of scientific, fair and efficient teacher performance evaluation system. On the basis of summarizing the work of teacher evaluation, teacher evaluation system and evaluation methods, this paper takes NC Independent College as the basic research object, through inheritance, analysis and development. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the performance evaluation system of NC Independent College, and introduces the relevant frontier thoughts of KPI and BSC in combination with the reality of NC Independent College. A set of performance evaluation system suitable for NC independent college is designed preliminarily. To sum up the main achievements are as follows: 1, the paper on the basis of the performance appraisal of the relevant theory of systematic elaboration, the performance appraisal of the KPI indicator system related theories are combed. 2. Through the analysis of the current research situation of NC independent college teacher performance appraisal, this paper systematically summarizes the existing problems and shortcomings in the current NC independent college performance appraisal system, and puts forward the principles of constructing the NC independent college teacher performance appraisal system. 3. Under the guidance of the objective consistency theory and the evaluation theory of key performance indicators, combined with the current situation of NC independent college, the paper puts forward the methods and steps to construct the performance appraisal system of NC independent college teachers. The main body of NC independent college is determined, and the performance evaluation index system of independent college teacher is constructed. The innovation of this paper lies in the empirical research on the importance of performance appraisal indicators from different perspectives, which is guided by the theory of goal consistency and key performance indicators, and based on empirical data. The performance evaluation system of NC independent college is constructed by AHP.


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