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发布时间:2018-11-18 13:52
【摘要】:价值观作为一种社会意识,对大学的思维情感和行为实践起着支配作用。长期以来,内地与港澳地区的大学生受社会、学校、家庭等社会关系和当前社会发展所处的世情、国情、区情等因素的综合影响,使得两个不同群体的大学生价值观存在差异,呈现多元性和分散化的趋势。导致这种差异的原因既有各自历史文化的浸润,也有“一国两制”的政治体制和经济体制因素的影响,更有两地在大学生价值观教育具体举措和途径上的不同进路。因此,如何正确认识内地与港澳大学生价值观的异同和问题,查摆影响两地大学生价值观的消极因素,全面分析,采取相对应的举措。如何培植相互包容心态,增进双方的认同感,最大化地缓解因价值观差异而引起的矛盾对冲。如何消弭两地大学生群体的心理隔阂壁垒,提升港澳大学生通识教育、国情教育的实效性、针对性和正当性。如何大力探索在内地大学生群体开展对港澳实情的区情教育,都应然成为两地思想教育工作者急切关注的问题。 本文立足已有的研究成果和文献资料,从上述的研究意义和研究目的入手,通过问卷调查、实地调研和个例访谈等研究方法,系统处理数据,比较分析了内地大学生和港澳大学生价值观的异同点,,从社会情境视域就两地大学生价值观差异的原因和影响进行了全面诊断,并在此基础之上提出了可供参考的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:As a kind of social consciousness, values play a dominant role in the university's thinking, emotion and behavior practice. For a long time, college students in the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao have been affected by social, school, family and other social relations, as well as the social conditions, national conditions, regional conditions, and other factors of the current social development, resulting in differences in the values of the two different groups of college students. There is a tendency towards pluralism and decentralization. The reasons for this difference are not only the infiltration of history and culture, but also the influence of the political and economic system of "one country, two systems". Therefore, how to correctly understand the similarities and differences between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao college students' values and problems, check the negative factors that affect the values of college students in the two places, comprehensively analyze and take corresponding measures. How to cultivate mutual tolerance, enhance mutual identity, and minimize the contradiction caused by the difference of values. How to eliminate the psychological barriers of college students in Hong Kong and Macao, and to improve the effectiveness, pertinence and legitimacy of general education and national education in Hong Kong and Macao. How to vigorously explore how to carry out the regional situation education on the actual situation of Hong Kong and Macao in the college students in the mainland should become the urgent concern of ideological educators in both places. Based on the existing research results and literature, starting with the above research significance and purpose, this paper systematically processes the data through questionnaire survey, field investigation and case interview. This paper compares and analyzes the similarities and differences between the values of mainland college students and those of Hong Kong and Macao students, makes a comprehensive diagnosis of the causes and effects of the differences in values between the two places from the perspective of social situation, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for reference on this basis.


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