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发布时间:2018-11-18 16:58
【摘要】:当前,我们正处在一个深刻的社会变革时期,社会物质层面的巨大变革,又导致了人们思想文化和价值观念的深层碰撞,进而影响着人们对工作的感受、职业的评价与职业价值取向。伴随社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入,我国社会的经济成分、利益主体、社会组织形态、生活交往方式日趋多样化,各种新兴职业群体、行业门类层出不穷,人们的就业观念、职业价值倾向日渐开放和多元。对于青年时期的大学生的职业价值取向等诸多方面都会受到这些变化发展的影响。职业价值取向,是职业选择的指南和方向,是研究大学生就业问题最为核心的部分。 大学生作为社会人力资源的重要组成部分和高级人才的主要部分,他们的职业价值取向会在一定程度上影响并且代表着社会的发展方向,所以研究大学生就业特别是他们的职业价值取向是高校、社会的重要课题。如何使大学生职业价值观教育既符合我国经济社会发展的总体形势,又有利于大学生自我价值的实现,是新时期大学生职业价值观教育研究及实践的关键问题。因此,关注、调查、研究、揭示当代大学生职业价值取向与发展趋势问题,引导和培育大学生科学的职业价值取向,是解决当前高校大学毕业生就业问题、促进高等教育健康发展的内在要求,也是促进和谐社会构建的必然之举。 本文立足大学生职业选择以及发展实际,在借鉴国内外学者有关价值取向和大学生职业选择的相关理论及研究成果的基础上,综合运用社会学、哲学、心理学、教育学的相关知识,通过问卷调查、个案访谈等主要研究方法,将职业教育与价值观教育、教育理论与职业理论相结合,,探讨职业价值取向在职业教育和职业发展中的地位和作用。首先综合运用文献研究等方法,阐释价值取向、职业价值取向的内涵,再运用实证调查等方法分析当代大学生职业价值取向所呈现的特征以及类型,透析其价值实态。在此基础之上,尝试从政府、用人单位、高校、家长、大学生自身等不同价值主体的横向视角,多维观察大学生选择职业的多元价值环境,分析探讨大学生职业价值取向的影响因素,深刻关注当代大学生选择职业的价值冲突与价值选择。本文着重对当代大学生职业价值取向的价值教育与引导进行必要的探索,提出帮助大学生正确自我定位、端正科学职业价值观;思考和厘清高校如何培育大学生科学的职业价值取向,唤醒大学生的主题思维,让其合理定位、学会选择和珍惜自己的选择,并从政府、企业、家庭等的角度,探寻价值导引的条件保障问题。最后,本文对大学生职业价值取向的未来趋势进行预测,分别从职业定位、职业选择、职业目标以及职业发展等四个角度展开对取向的分析,运用对政府工作报告的学习、经济发展态势的摸索、国家方针政策的解读等,探索其对大学生职业价值取向未来发展的影响。
[Abstract]:At present, we are in a period of profound social change. The tremendous changes in the material level of society have led to the deep collision of people's ideology, culture and values, which in turn has affected people's feelings of work. Career evaluation and career value orientation. With the deepening of the reform of socialist market economy system, the economic component, the main body of interest, the form of social organization and the way of life communication are becoming more and more diversified in our society. People's concept of employment, career values tend to be increasingly open and pluralistic. The career value orientation of college students in youth will be affected by these changes. Career value orientation is the guide and direction of career choice and the core part of studying the employment problem of college students. College students as an important part of social human resources and the main part of senior talents, their career value orientation will influence and represent the direction of social development to a certain extent. So studying the employment of college students, especially their career value orientation, is an important subject in universities and society. How to make the vocational value education of college students conform to the overall situation of the economic and social development of our country and benefit the realization of college students' self-worth is the key problem in the research and practice of the vocational value education of college students in the new period. Therefore, to pay attention to, investigate, study, reveal the problem of career value orientation and development trend of contemporary college students, guide and cultivate the scientific career value orientation of college students, is to solve the employment problem of college graduates at present. The internal requirement of promoting the healthy development of higher education is also an inevitable move to promote the construction of a harmonious society. Based on the career choice and development practice of college students, this paper uses sociology, philosophy and psychology for reference on the basis of relevant theories and research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on value orientation and college students' career choice. The related knowledge of pedagogy, through questionnaire survey, case interview and other main research methods, combines vocational education with value education, educational theory and vocational theory. This paper discusses the status and role of vocational value orientation in vocational education and career development. In this paper, the author first analyzes the connotation of value orientation and career value orientation by means of literature research, and then analyzes the characteristics and types of vocational value orientation of contemporary college students by means of empirical investigation, and analyzes its value reality. On this basis, this paper tries to observe the multi-value environment of college students' choice of occupation from the horizontal perspective of different value subjects, such as government, employers, colleges, parents, college students and so on. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of college students' career value orientation, and pays close attention to the value conflict and value choice of contemporary college students' choice of occupation. This paper focuses on the value education and guidance of the vocational value orientation of contemporary college students, and proposes to help college students to position themselves correctly and correct the scientific professional values. Thinking and clarifying how to cultivate the scientific career value orientation of college students, awaken the subject thinking of college students, let them reasonably position, learn to choose and cherish their own choice, and from the angle of government, enterprise, family and so on, To explore the condition and guarantee of value guidance. Finally, this paper predicts the future trend of college students' career value orientation, analyzes the orientation from four angles of career orientation, career choice, career goal and career development, and applies the study of government work report. This paper probes into the economic development situation and the interpretation of the national policy to explore its influence on the future development of college students' career value orientation.


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