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发布时间:2018-11-18 21:15
【摘要】:进入新的世纪,人才的流动性和竞争性不断加剧,社会和经济发展需要适应性更强的具有创新精神的人才。然而,高校在人才培养上存在着模式化倾向,产生了具有相同或相似模式的学生培养质量评价模式,这就直接导致高校培养出的学生缺乏个性和创造力。鉴于此,为了推进教育改革和提高学生创新能力,本文构建了普通本科高校学生创新能力评价指标体系,并以此为基础建立普通本科高校学生创新能力评价模型,以促进创新人才的不断涌现和创新教育的不断发展。 本文首先阐述了普通本科高校学生创新能力评价的相关理论;然后,通过文献查找法和问卷调查法对普通本科高校学生创新能力评价指标进行收集,利用德尔菲法对初选指标进行反复筛选,筛选结果为:以创新学习能力、创新知识基础、创新思维能力、创新技能四个指标为一级指标,包含16个二级指标的普通本科高校学生创新能力评价指标体系,对本科高校学生创新能力进行考察、评价,并利用改进层次分析法确定各级指标权重,同时采用问卷调查法对湖南科技大学、中南林业科技大学和湖南商学院三所普通本科高校学生进行随机抽样调查,获取评价所需的相关数据,并采用改进层次分析法和灰色评价法相结合的综合评价法对这三所普通本科高校学生创新能力进行评价,以实现评价指标体系的应用;最后,从构建创新教学制度、改革现有培养方式、完善教学评价体系三个方面提出评价指标体系的实施对策。 当前,关于学生创新能力评价指标体系的研究已成为我国高校教育评价中的一个重要子课题,是我国高校教学改革的热点问题。高校学生创新能力评价,,一方面有利于大学生正确的进行自我评判,认识到自己的长处和不足,从而扬长避短,全面发展;另一方面为高校客观考察大学生创新能力提供依据,掌握大学生创新的优势和劣势,总结教育中存在的问题,有针对性的加以改进,从而提高我国高校毕业生质量,促进高校教育改革。
[Abstract]:In the new century, the mobility and competitiveness of talents are increasing, and social and economic development needs more adaptable and innovative talents. However, there is a pattern tendency in the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities, which leads to the lack of personality and creativity of the students cultivated in colleges and universities. In view of this, in order to promote the education reform and improve the students' innovation ability, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the students' innovation ability of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities, and based on this, establishes the evaluation model of the students' innovation ability of the ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities. In order to promote the continuous emergence of innovative talents and the continuous development of innovative education. Firstly, this paper expounds the relevant theories of the evaluation of the students' innovation ability in ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities. Then, through literature search and questionnaire survey, the evaluation index of innovation ability of college students is collected, and the primary index is screened repeatedly by Delphi method. The results are as follows: innovative learning ability, innovative knowledge base. The four indexes of innovation thinking ability and innovation skill are first-class indexes, including 16 second-level indexes, which are the evaluation index system of the students' innovation ability of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities, and the evaluation of the innovation ability of the students of undergraduate colleges and universities is carried out. Using the improved Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the weight of indexes at all levels, at the same time, a random sampling survey was carried out on the students of Hunan University of Science and Technology, Central South Forestry University of Science and Technology and Hunan Business School. Obtaining the relevant data needed for evaluation and adopting the comprehensive evaluation method which combines the improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the grey evaluation method to evaluate the students' innovation ability in these three colleges and universities in order to realize the application of the evaluation index system. Finally, the author puts forward the implementation countermeasures of the evaluation index system from three aspects: constructing innovative teaching system, reforming the existing cultivation mode and perfecting the teaching evaluation system. At present, the research on the evaluation index system of students' innovation ability has become an important sub-topic in the evaluation of higher education in our country, and it is also a hot issue in the teaching reform of our country's colleges and universities. On the one hand, the evaluation of college students' innovation ability is conducive to the correct self-evaluation of college students, to realize their own strengths and weaknesses, so as to promote their strengths and circumvent their weaknesses and develop in an all-round way; On the other hand, it can provide the basis for college students' innovation ability, grasp the advantages and disadvantages of college students' innovation, sum up the existing problems in education, and improve the quality of college graduates in China. To promote the reform of higher education.


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