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发布时间:2018-11-19 09:22
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy, universities, as the base of talent training, have entered the center of society, which affects the economy, science and technology, politics, culture, military and so on. With the promotion of university influence and the support of governments to higher education in policies and funds, the scale of higher education is expanding rapidly, popularizing and popularizing. Faced with this situation, many scholars question the quality of higher education, and the study of classroom teaching environment also becomes hot. Previous educational researchers pay more attention to students' learning process and teachers' teaching process, focusing on students' inner psychological quality and teachers' own teaching ability, and less research on teaching environment. In recent years, scholars have gradually turned to the students' learning environment, for example, to study the influence of the learning environment on students' learning attitude, behavior and self-awareness. Although there are many perspectives on teaching environment, the ultimate aim of teaching is to promote the development of students. Therefore, the research of teaching environment also serves teachers' teaching and students' learning, and the test of its effect ends with the students' individual academic development or personality maturation and so on. Through the case study of the public political course in Northeast normal University, the present situation of the classroom teaching environment of the ideological and political public course in contemporary colleges and universities and the present situation of the students' learning methods in this classroom are analyzed. And to explore the impact of public political classroom teaching environment on the way of political class learning for college students. In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on the current situation of the public political classroom teaching environment and students' learning styles in D University. The subjects were undergraduates of Grade 2013. According to the teaching style of teachers and the environment created by the whole classroom, the public political lesson is divided into traditional class and new class. The research questions are as follows: 1. What are the different characteristics between the traditional public political classroom and the new public political classroom teaching environment? 2. What is the difference between the traditional public political classroom and the new public political classroom? How do the two different types (traditional and new) of public political classroom teaching environment influence the way of political study of college students? The findings are as follows: (1) the public political classroom teaching environment perceived by D undergraduates is in a good state as a whole. However, the new political class is better than the traditional one in general. (2) the learning style of the undergraduate students' public politics course is different because of the difference of the classroom teaching environment. The concrete manifestation is that in the new type of public politics course in colleges and universities, the students' evaluation of the deep learning style is better than that of the superficial one. However, in the traditional classroom, the scores of surface learning style are high. (3) as far as the relationship between the teaching environment of public political class and the learning style of political class of college students is concerned, no matter it is a new type of public political class, In the traditional public political classroom teaching environment, the organization and implementation of political curriculum, the evaluation and feedback of teachers and the three dimensions of students' input are significantly positively related to the students' deep learning strategies. There is no significant correlation with college students' political lesson learning motivation, but the degree of students' political lesson input is correlated with surface learning strategy. The creation of a good teaching environment in public politics classroom is helpful to cultivate the deep learning style of college students and to promote the improvement of students' learning achievement. Therefore, the improvement of public political classroom teaching environment in colleges and universities is an important breakthrough in improving the quality of public political classroom teaching under the background of popularization of higher education.


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