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发布时间:2018-11-19 14:20
【摘要】:本文从人际关系理论的视角研究高校管理决策有效性。管理决策有效性问题一直是管理中的基础和关键问题,而从人际关系理论视角对其进行的研究则更加具有前沿性。 随着高校办学规模的日益扩大,高校管理难度的日渐增加,对高校管理决策的有效性也提出了更高的要求。不断更新的教育理念和教育思想,,代表高校不同权力的学术组织和行政组织的利益协调,广大基层教师民主参与决策的程度,高校人力、物力、财力的合理分配等都是高校管理决策制定时需要考虑到的因素,而高校组织并不同于社会其它组织,高校是培养人的地方,它所具有的特殊性也加大了提高高校管理决策有效性的难度。 采用文献研究、比较研究法等方法,分析了我国高校管理决策中存在的问题,高层与基层沟通的缺失,教师民主参与管理决策缺失和形式化,高校管理决策过程的非民主性,基层教师的归属感的稀少造成主动性、能动性缺乏,高校学术权力和行政权力的冲突,高校管理决策时对行政权力的偏重,以及高校管理决策者的决策有限性。从人际关系理论的视角,对高校管理决策中存在的这些问题进行分析。在此种解读下,结合高校管理决策的内容,本文提出了高校管理决策有效性的维度。包括高校教师参与决策丰富决策主体,高校高层管理决策者领导方式的开放民主,高校行政权力与学术权力管理决策和谐统一。参照人际关系理论视角下高校管理决策有效性的维度,分析高校管理决策存在问题的原因,并提出了提高高校管理决策有效性的策略,就是从改变管理理念和领导方式上来提高高校管理决策者决策水平,通过高校不同组织的协调来增强学术权力决策与行政权力决策的有效统一,通过组织建构来建立健全决策制定执行的监督约束机制。 全文主要分为四个部分。第一部分主要介绍选题的缘由、研究目的及意义、相关研究文献综述,阐述研究思路及方法。第二部分对人际关系理论视角下的有效性进行解读,确定了人际关系理论视角下提高高校管理决策有效性的维度。第三部分提出了目前高校管理决策中存在的问题并对此进行了原因分析。第四部分通过上述对高校管理决策有效性维度的确定和对影响高校高校管理决策有效性的原因分析,提出了提高高校管理决策有效性的策略。
[Abstract]:This paper studies the effectiveness of university management decision from the perspective of interpersonal relationship theory. The effectiveness of management decision is always the foundation and key issue of management, and the research on it from the perspective of interpersonal relationship theory is more advanced. With the increasing scale of running a university and the increasing difficulty of university management, higher requirements are put forward for the effectiveness of university management decision. The constantly updated educational concepts and educational ideas represent the coordination of interests of academic and administrative organizations with different powers in colleges and universities, the degree of democratic participation of grass-roots teachers in decision-making, the manpower and material resources of colleges and universities, The reasonable allocation of financial resources is the factor that should be taken into account when making management decisions in colleges and universities, and university organizations are not the same as other social organizations, and colleges and universities are places where people are trained. Its particularity also increases the difficulty of improving the effectiveness of university management decision-making. By using the methods of literature research and comparative research, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the management decision-making of colleges and universities in our country, the lack of communication between the top and the grassroots, the absence and formalization of teachers' democratic participation in the management decision-making, and the non-democratic nature of the decision-making process in the management of colleges and universities. The lack of sense of belonging of teachers at the grass-roots level leads to the lack of initiative, the conflict between academic power and administrative power in colleges and universities, the emphasis on administrative power in university management decision-making, and the limited decision-making of university management decision makers. From the perspective of interpersonal relationship theory, this paper analyzes these problems in university management decision-making. Based on this interpretation and the content of university management decision, this paper puts forward the dimension of the effectiveness of university management decision. It includes the participation of university teachers in decision-making, the opening and democracy of the leading style of high-level management decision makers, and the harmonious unity of university administrative power and academic power management decision-making. Referring to the dimension of the validity of university management decision from the perspective of interpersonal relationship theory, this paper analyzes the causes of the problems in university management decision making, and puts forward some strategies to improve the effectiveness of university management decision making. It is to improve the decision-making level of university management decision makers by changing management concepts and leadership methods, and to enhance the effective unity of academic power decision-making and administrative power decision-making through the coordination of different organizations in colleges and universities. To establish and perfect the supervision and restriction mechanism of decision making and execution through organizational construction. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part mainly introduces the reason, research purpose and significance, literature review, research ideas and methods. In the second part, the author interprets the validity of interpersonal relationship theory, and determines the dimensions of improving the effectiveness of university management decision from the perspective of interpersonal relationship theory. The third part puts forward the problems existing in the management decision of colleges and universities and analyzes the reasons. In the fourth part, the author puts forward the strategies to improve the effectiveness of university management decision through the above determination of the validity dimension of university management decision and the analysis of the reasons that affect the effectiveness of university management decision.


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