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发布时间:2018-11-19 17:51
【摘要】:以病案、问题为基础的教学法(case-and problem-based learning,CPBL)是在PBL基础上通过解决病案来学习。教师先提出学习目标及要求,选择与本章内容关联较大的病案,并与知识点讲授基本同步式呈现。围绕知识点的病案设置,要以病案为主线,辅以病案衍生出的相关问题,使二者相辅相成。在病理生理学教学中CPBL将更加注重与临床的联系,提及病案更完整、更能体现出多章节间的关联。本教学模式实施可以提高学生学习的趣味性,激发学习积极性和主动性,真正体现以学生为中心的理念;有利于教师自身业务素质的提高;利于提高学生的逻辑思维能力、分析问题、解决问题的能力;利于学生巩固基础知识,为临床知识学习打下坚实的基础;开创教师与学生、基础医学教师与临床医生的交流平台。采用CPBL模式将进一步提高民族医学院校病理生理学教学质量,真正实现向培养高级应用型人才的目标迈进。
[Abstract]:Case-based, problem-based approach (case-and problem-based learning,CPBL) is based on PBL-based learning by solving medical records. The teacher first puts forward the learning goals and requirements, selects the medical records which are more relevant to the content of this chapter, and presents them synchronously with the knowledge teaching. The establishment of medical records around the knowledge points should take the medical records as the main line and supplement the related problems arising from the medical records so that the two can complement each other. In the teaching of pathophysiology, CPBL will pay more attention to the relation with the clinic, and the reference to the medical record is more complete, which can reflect the multi-chapter relationship. The implementation of this teaching model can improve students' interest in learning, stimulate their enthusiasm and initiative, and truly embody the student-centered concept, which is conducive to the improvement of teachers' professional quality. It is helpful to improve students' logical thinking ability, to analyze problems, to solve problems, to consolidate basic knowledge and to lay a solid foundation for clinical knowledge learning. Create a platform for communication between teachers and students, basic medical teachers and clinicians. The adoption of CPBL model will further improve the teaching quality of pathophysiology in national medical colleges and universities, and realize the goal of cultivating advanced applied talents.
【作者单位】: 右江民族医学院病理生理学教研室;
【基金】:新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程项目(桂教高教[2012]22号) 右江民族医学院教育教学改革重点项目(右医院字[2011]28号) 广西高校青年教师教学业务能力提升计划项目(桂教人[2013]11号)


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