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发布时间:2018-11-23 09:53
【摘要】:微博的出现为人们的交流沟通提供了便利,极大的改变了传播结构和人际交流结构,带给人们全新体验。同时具备发布、转发、评论、关注等功能,使得微博传播内容具有碎片化和多样性,传播的即时性和互动性以及裂变式、背对脸式的传播特点激发微博用户全面深入真实的自我表露。 本研究选择微博中大学生的自我表露作为研究对象,在拟剧理论关于自我表露相关论述的基础上,综合运用了自我表露相关理论、需要理论、镜中我理论、使用与满足理论、媒介依赖理论、网络人际传播理论等,全面、细致地分析了微博中大学生自我表露的动机、对象、方式及其心理。通过对我国微博用户基本情况的数据分析,大学生是我国微博用户的最大群体,根据选题性质,决定采用深度访谈研究方法,选取20名大学生,后期根据访谈内容及结果还结合微博的文本分析及个案研究。 通过分析总结得出如下几方面结论:微博传播是一个自我表露的过程,大学生在微博中的自我表露动机主要有:自我倾诉、自我满足、社会交往等。自我表露主题包括:兴趣爱好、人际交往、情绪情感、日常生活、观点态度等。最后探讨了微博中自我表露对大学生的影响,主要有碎片化、媒介依赖、现实人际交流沉默、现实孤独感增强等。
[Abstract]:Weibo's appearance has provided convenience for people's communication, greatly changed the communication structure and interpersonal communication structure, and brought people a new experience. At the same time, it has the functions of publishing, forwarding, commenting and paying attention, which makes Weibo's communication content fragmented and diverse, instant and interactive, and fission. Back-to-face communication characteristics inspire Weibo users to fully explore the true self-disclosure. This study chooses the self-disclosure of students in Weibo as the research object. On the basis of the relevant exposition on self-disclosure in the drama theory, the author synthetically applies the theory of self-disclosure, the theory of need, the theory of "I" in the mirror, the theory of use and satisfaction. Media dependence theory, network interpersonal communication theory and so on, comprehensively and meticulously analyze the motivation, object, mode and psychology of college students in Weibo. By analyzing the basic situation of Weibo users in our country, college students are the largest group of users in China. According to the nature of the topic, we decided to choose 20 college students by using the method of in-depth interview. Later according to the content and results of the interview, Weibo's text analysis and case study. The conclusions are as follows: Weibo's communication is a process of self-disclosure, and college students' self-disclosure motives in Weibo are mainly self-confiding, self-satisfaction, social interaction and so on. Self-disclosure topics include: hobbies, interpersonal relationships, emotions, daily life, attitudes, and so on. Finally, this paper discusses the influence of Weibo's self-disclosure on college students, such as fragmentation, media dependence, interpersonal silence and loneliness.


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