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发布时间:2018-11-23 19:13
【摘要】:大学章程是现代大学制度的载体,是大学自治和学术自由的法律保障,是处理大学内外部关系的基本法律依据,是大学治理的“宪法”。为了完善现代大学制度、提高高校的国际竞争力,我国高校开始重视大学章程的建设。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)明确规定高校要加强章程建设,无论什么层次和类型的高校都应当依法制定学校章程,在学校的管理过程中要依照章程的各项规定;学校章程或者各项制度应当建立在符合法律规定、体现学校办学特色的基础上。为落实《纲要》对高校章程制定和发展要求,教育部颁布了《高等学校章程制定暂行办法》进一步推进了高校章程制定的进程。虽然我国高校有的已经制定出章程,有的还在草拟讨论阶段,但是章程制定中尚存问题需要解决。 通过对我国改革开放以来具有代表性和首创性的部属高校吉林大学的章程、地方普通高校广东外语外贸大学的章程以及省属“211”综合型的安徽大学章程草案研究,追溯了我国大陆地区高校章程制定的历史与现状,总结出我国大陆地区高校章程制定的具体特征:制定主体不明确、制定程序不完善等。并对大陆地区章程制定的特征进行了总结,同时对三所高校的具体文本进行了分析,梳理了章程制定中存在问题,主要包括以下几个方面:一是在章程制定过程中法治理念的缺失;二是章程文本内容和形式上的“千校一面”;三是高校章程在处理内外部法律关系时存在诸多问题。 通过比较三所高校章程文本,借鉴国内外高校章程制定的成功经验,针对章程制定中存在问题提出了建议:首先要树立章程制定中法治理念,认清章程的法律性质和法律地位,同时增强高校管理者的法律意识;其次,完善章程制定的架构和章程文本的内容。制定出架构合理、内容具体全面的章程文本,要体现办学理念、弘扬办学特色;再次,理清内外部法律关系,处理好高校与政府、社会的关系,完善内部管理体制,平衡学术与行政之间的权力关系,明确高校师生之间权力义务关系;最后,完善章程制定程序,完善审议、通过和备案以及修改程序。
[Abstract]:The university charter is the carrier of the modern university system, the legal guarantee of the university autonomy and academic freedom, the basic legal basis of dealing with the internal and external relations of the university, and the constitution of the university governance. In order to improve the modern university system and enhance the international competitiveness of colleges and universities, Colleges and universities in our country have begun to attach importance to the construction of the university charter. The outline of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as "the outline") clearly stipulates that colleges and universities should strengthen the constitution construction. No matter what level and type of colleges and universities should formulate the school charter according to law, in the school management process should be in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association; The articles of association or various systems shall be established on the basis of complying with the provisions of the law and embodying the characteristics of the school. In order to fulfill the requirements for the formulation and development of the articles of association of colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education promulgated the interim measures for the formulation of the articles of Association of Colleges and Universities, and further advanced the process of making the statutes of colleges and universities. Although some colleges and universities in our country have drawn up articles of association and some are still in the stage of drafting and discussion, there are still some problems to be solved in the process of making articles of association. Through the research on the articles of association of Jilin University, a subordinate university, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and Foreign Trade of local colleges and universities, as well as the draft charter of Anhui University, a comprehensive "211" provincial university, since the reform and opening up, the article of association of Jilin University, a subordinate university of China, has been studied. This paper traces the history and present situation of the constitution of colleges and universities in the mainland of China, and summarizes the specific characteristics of the constitution of colleges and universities in mainland China: the main body of the constitution is not clear, the procedure of making the constitution is not perfect, and so on. At the same time, it analyzes the specific texts of the three colleges and universities, combs the existing problems in the constitution formulation, and makes a summary of the characteristics of the constitution formulation in the mainland, and at the same time analyzes the specific texts of the three colleges and universities. It mainly includes the following aspects: first, the lack of the concept of rule of law in the process of constitution making; Second, the content and form of the articles of association; Third, there are many problems in dealing with the internal and external legal relations. By comparing the texts of the articles of association of the three universities and drawing lessons from the successful experiences of the constitution formulation at home and abroad, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the problems existing in the constitution making: first of all, it is necessary to establish the concept of rule of law in the constitution making, and to recognize the legal nature and legal status of the constitution. At the same time, strengthen the university administrator's legal consciousness; Secondly, perfect the constitution structure and the content of the constitution text. Making out the text of constitution with reasonable structure and concrete and comprehensive contents should embody the idea of running a school and carry forward the characteristics of running a school; Third, clear the internal and external legal relations, deal with the relationship between the university and the government, society, improve the internal management system, balance the power relationship between academic and administrative, and clarify the relationship between the power and obligation between teachers and students. Finally, consummate the constitution formulation procedure, consummates the examination, the adoption and the record-keeping as well as the revision procedure.


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