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发布时间:2018-11-24 11:15
[Abstract]:Personality education recognizes the subjectivity of the educatee, takes the personality of the educatee as the starting point, takes the good personality demand of the educatee as the direction, and accomplishes the cultivation of talents through the interactive teaching of teaching and learning, and realizes the purpose of personality education. In the Internet environment, the information has the extreme speed, the sharing, the plurality and the consistency, the human information behavior first manifests in the fast cognition paradigm. That is to say, the information cognition ability of the young students to acquire new knowledge is superior to that of the elders, and the information recognition ability of the elders to discern the theoretical knowledge is better than that of the young ones, so the teachers and students have entered the age of mutual learning and metaphorical culture. Under the environment of Internet, the concept of personality education should be guided by encouraging students to learn actively, and establish a teaching system and a talent training model with the interaction of students and teachers. The personnel training mode of personality education is: the interactive ecological model of students' cognitive subject teachers to identify the main body environment incentive operation mechanism.
【作者单位】: 广东金融学院工商管理研究所;黑龙江大学哲学与公共管理学院;


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