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发布时间:2018-11-27 15:11
【摘要】:本课题的研究目的和意义在于解析整理山东本土图案资源的种类及其艺术特征、调查分析山东高校艺术设计专业图案课程教学现状,这些内容为山东本土图案资源在高校图案教学中的应用提供了理论依据和材料支持。最后,展望山东传统图案资源在高校教学中的运用,形成传统图案优良元素运用于现代图案设计中去的教学效果。既继承和发扬了我国非物质文化遗产之山东传统图案,又为当代高校图形设计教学的突破性改革提供可参考蓝本。 笔者研究本课题主要运用实地调研、访问调查、网上电子图书馆和学校纸本图书馆的文献查阅等方法。对将其概况总结写出教学案例;总结分析山东高校图案教学的教学模式及存在的问题。第一章,对课题的来源、研究的目与意义、研究的主要内容、研究方案和准备采取的措施作了具体介绍;第二章,着重运用网上电子图书馆和实地调查的方法,总结梳理中国高校艺术设计专业图案教学历史发展脉络;山东高校图案教学概况,运用实地调查的方法,对山东艺术设计专业三所重点高校图案教学的上课状况进行调查,总结梳理第一手资料,并组织编写成图案课程教学大纲(见附录一);阐述传统教学方法。第三章,查阅资料、实地调查的方法列举出山东地区本土图案的种类并对其艺术特征进行分析提炼,提出山东高校图案课程改革的教学策略、设计策略,并编写成教学方案(见附录二) 笔者认为,随着国外三大构成的引入,图案课程的地位受到威胁。然而,它作为艺术设计专业的基础课程之一,不仅对艺术设计专业学生体会形式美的规律、培养学生的图案审美能力、创造性思维能力有着不可替代的作用,还对中华民族非物质文化的传承有着至关重要的意义。因此,图案课程不仅要继承和发扬,而且要进一步丰富与补充。笔者作为山东人,深受山东文化耳濡目染,深知山东传统图案作为中华民族文化宝库的一部分有着重要的价值,若将其内容融入到高校图案教学内容中去,将会成为高校图案教学改革的突破口,丰富图案教学的内容,改革过去图案教学过多依赖现代图案的呆板状况,使我国民间图案复活于当代艺术教学之中。 通过对当代高校艺术设计专业图案教学的梳理和山东传统图案的深入分析,最终对山东高校图案教学进行展望,最终提出图案教学改革的具体原则。并撰写《当代高校艺术设计专业图案课程教学的继承与创新》的2万字论文。 为山东高校进行传统图案教学提供理论支撑和教学改革依据,为其他省份高校传统图案课程的改革和资源开发提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:The purpose and significance of this research are to analyze and sort out the types and artistic characteristics of local pattern resources in Shandong, and to investigate and analyze the current situation of pattern teaching of art design major in Shandong colleges and universities. These contents provide theoretical basis and material support for the application of Shandong native pattern resources in pattern teaching in colleges and universities. Finally, the author looks forward to the application of Shandong traditional pattern resources in the teaching of colleges and universities, and forms the teaching effect of applying the fine elements of traditional patterns to modern pattern design. It not only inherits and develops the traditional pattern of Shandong Province which is the intangible cultural heritage of our country, but also provides a reference model for the breakthrough reform of graphic design teaching in contemporary colleges and universities. The author mainly uses the methods of field investigation, interview investigation, online electronic library and school paper library. This paper summarizes and analyzes the teaching mode and existing problems of pattern teaching in Shandong colleges and universities. The first chapter introduces the source of the subject, the purpose and significance of the research, the main contents of the research, the research plan and the measures to be taken. The second chapter focuses on the use of online electronic library and field investigation methods to summarize and comb the history of pattern teaching in Chinese colleges and universities. The general situation of pattern teaching in Shandong colleges and universities, using the method of field investigation, to investigate the teaching situation of pattern teaching in three key universities of art design in Shandong Province, and summarize and comb the first-hand data. And organize the preparation of design curriculum syllabus (see appendix I); This paper expounds the traditional teaching methods. The third chapter, referring to the data, the method of field investigation enumerates the kind of local pattern in Shandong area, and analyzes and refines its artistic characteristics, and puts forward the teaching strategy and design strategy of pattern course reform in Shandong university. The author thinks that with the introduction of the three major components of foreign countries, the status of the design course is threatened. However, as one of the basic courses of art design major, it not only plays an irreplaceable role for the students of art design major to understand the law of formal beauty, but also to cultivate the students' design aesthetic ability and creative thinking ability. Also has the vital significance to the Chinese nation immaterial culture inheritance. Therefore, the design curriculum should not only inherit and develop, but also further enrich and supplement. The author, as a Shandong native, is deeply influenced by Shandong culture, and knows that Shandong traditional patterns have important value as part of the treasure house of Chinese culture. If the contents are incorporated into the teaching contents of patterns in colleges and universities, It will become the breakthrough point of pattern teaching reform in colleges and universities, enrich the content of pattern teaching, reform the rigid state of pattern teaching relying too much on modern pattern in the past, so that the folk pattern in our country can be revived in the contemporary art teaching. Through combing the pattern teaching of the art design major in contemporary colleges and universities and deeply analyzing the traditional pattern in Shandong province, this paper finally looks forward to the pattern teaching in Shandong colleges and universities, and finally puts forward the concrete principles of the pattern teaching reform. And write the contemporary art design specialty pattern teaching inheritance and innovation of 20, 000 words paper. It provides theoretical support and teaching reform basis for traditional pattern teaching in Shandong colleges and universities, and provides reference for the reform and resource development of traditional pattern courses in other provinces.


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