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发布时间:2018-11-28 10:32
【摘要】:我国的独立学院产生于二十世纪九十年代末,是随着我国高等教育的高速发展应运而生的一种新型高等学校。这种新颖的办学方式既能够通过吸引民间教育资本,解决我国高等教育经费不足的问题,又能够发挥普通高等学校在教学师资,教学管理,科研能力方面的专业优势,以满足我国人民对于高等教育的巨大需求。独立学院的发展,为我国高等教育从精英化教育转型为大众化教育,起到了巨大的推动作用。 然而,独立学院的发展过程并非一帆风顺,我国政府于2008年由教育部出台了《独立学院设置与管理办法》以规范独立学院的发展并解决独立学院面临的种种问题。按照《办法》的精神,所有的独立学院都必须完成转型以成为真正意义上的独立的办学实体。虽然有不少学者研究了独立学院转型中的各种问题,但是独立学院转型中国有资产的流失问题研究却几乎是一片空白。国有资产在独立学院转型中确实存在流失的事实,研究这个问题不仅是为了国民经济的发展,同时也是为了独立学院转型后的健康顺利发展,为国家高等教育提供更多更好的教育产品。 本论文依据产权理论、公共产品理论、法人治理结构理论,对独立学院中国有资产存在的形式进行探讨,通过对与独立学院转型中,防止国有资产流失的现有相关政策利弊进行历史分析、法律法规分析,定量分析与定性研究相结合的方法,运用理论论证、事实论证、类比论证相结合对政策的准确性和有效性进行研究,提出政策的完善措施,为政府拟定独立学院转型中防止国有资产流失政策提出参考意见。通过研究本论文发现,首先,我国政府对防止独立学院转型中国有资产的流失缺乏必要的重视和监管;其次针对独立学院产权评估政策缺失和缺乏对母体高校的无形国有资产评估;另外现行独立学院政策下,独立学院法人界定不清且学院利益主体权责利模糊。这些现象归根到底都将会造成国有资产的流失。本论文从政策完善方面提出解决上述问题的一些建议与方法,,以确保资产的优化配置和利用。期待能够对正在转型中的独立学院的国有资产管理起到抛砖引玉的作用。
[Abstract]:The independent college of our country is born in the late 1990 's and is a new type of higher education as the high-speed development of higher education in our country. This novel way of running a school can solve the problem of the shortage of the Chinese higher education through attracting the private educational capital, and also can play a professional advantage in the teaching staff, the teaching management and the scientific research ability of the general higher education institution, in order to meet the great demand of our people for higher education. The development of the independent college has played an important role in the transformation of higher education from the elite to the popularization of education. However, the development process of the independent college is not smooth. In 2008, the government of our country introduced the setting and management of the independent college by the Ministry of Education in order to regulate the development of the independent college and solve the problems facing the independent college. In accordance with the spirit of the , all independent colleges must complete the transition to become a real and independent school. Although many scholars have studied the various problems in the transformation of the independent college, the research on the loss of assets in the independent college is almost empty The fact that the state-owned assets have lost in the transformation of the independent college is not only for the development of the national economy, but also for the healthy and smooth development of the independent college after the transformation, so as to provide more and better education for the higher education of the state This paper, based on the theory of property right, the theory of public product and the theory of corporate governance structure, discusses the form of the existence of the assets in the independent college. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the existing related policies to prevent the loss of the state-owned assets in the transformation of the independent college, the legal method The method of the combination of gauge analysis, quantitative analysis and qualitative research is to study the accuracy and effectiveness of the policy with the combination of the theory demonstration, the fact demonstration and the analogy demonstration, and put forward the perfect measure of the policy, and provide the reference for the government to draw up the policy of preventing the loss of state-owned assets in the transformation of the independent college. On the basis of the research of this paper, the author finds out that, in the first place, the government of our country has a lack of the necessary attention and supervision to the loss of assets in China's transition from the independent college, and the second is the lack of the independent college property right evaluation policy and the lack of the intangible state-owned assets of the parent colleges and universities. Evaluation of production; in addition, under the current independent college policy, the legal person of the independent college is not clear and the principal and responsibility of the college's interests The phenomenon, in the final analysis, will cause state-owned assets This paper puts forward some suggestions and methods to solve the above problems from the aspects of policy improvement, so as to ensure the optimal allocation of the assets. and it is expected that the management of state-owned assets of the independent college in transition can be used to throw a brick


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