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发布时间:2018-11-28 12:36
【摘要】:校园文化是学校内长期形成并为全体人员所认同的校园精神、师生员工的行为方式、所创设的校园文化环境、所开展的校园文化活动和学校长期形成的各项规章制度的总和。它伴随着学校的产生而产生,随着教育的发展而不断丰富发展。 当前思想政治教育视野下高校校园文化建设的研究取得了丰硕的成果,并突显出其强大的育人功能。但随着社会的发展,高校内外部环境的变化,思想政治教育和高校校园文化也面临着许多问题。在理论研究上,角度多、视域宽,但认识不统一;实践操作上,重物质、活动多,但引导不够;实际效果上,设备足、环境佳,但育人性不强。伴随着高等教育的长远发展需要、思想政治教育的发展要求、大学生素质状况亟待提高等状况,对看到思想政治教育视野下高校校园文化建设进行研究十分紧迫,这就要求我们在科学发展观的指导下,社会各界与学校的共同努力下推进高校思想政治教育工作和高校校园文化建设的研究和实践。 因此,本文从四个部分来研究思想政治教育视野下高校校园文化建设。第一部分,从研究背景和国内外研究现状来展开,论述研究本课题的科学意义和应用前景,梳理国内外针对思想政治教育视野下高校校园文化建设的发展历程。第二部分,研究高校校园文化的基本问题,明确文化和高校校园文化的概念,厘清高校校园文化与思想政治教育的关系,阐明高校校园文化的特征、作用。第三部分,在研究我国高校校园文化建设历史发展的基础上,分析思想政治教育视野下我国高校校园文化建设的现状,总结出我国高校校园文化建设所取得的成就和存在的问题。第四部分,针对实际问题,探究思想政治教育视野下我国高校校园文化建设的对策。本文的特点是针对现今不少高校思想政治教育工作理论与实践相脱离,对校园文化理解片面化,对校园文化建设重视程度不够等一系列现实状况,以及思想政治教育和校园文化的研究虽已达到一定的理论高度但互动研究不够深入的研究现状,来进行思想政治教育视野下高校校园文化建设研究,具有一定的创新性。
[Abstract]:Campus culture is the sum of the campus spirit, the behavior style of teachers, students and staff, the campus cultural environment created, the campus cultural activities and the rules and regulations that the school has formed for a long time. It comes into being with the development of school and enriches with the development of education. The research on campus culture construction in colleges and universities under the view of ideological and political education has made fruitful achievements and highlighted its powerful educational function. However, with the development of society and the change of internal and external environment, ideological and political education and campus culture are facing many problems. In the theoretical research, there are many angles and wide horizons, but the understanding is not uniform; in practice, the material is heavy, the activity is more, but the guidance is not enough; in the practical effect, the equipment is good, the environment is good, but the education is not strong. With the needs of the long-term development of higher education and the development of ideological and political education, the quality of college students needs to be improved, so it is urgent to study the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities from the perspective of ideological and political education. This requires us under the guidance of the scientific development view and the joint efforts of the society and the school to promote the research and practice of ideological and political education in colleges and universities and the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities. Therefore, this paper studies the construction of campus culture in the field of ideological and political education from four parts. The first part, from the research background and the current research situation at home and abroad, discusses the scientific significance and application prospects of this topic, combing the development process of campus culture construction in colleges and universities under the vision of ideological and political education at home and abroad. The second part studies the basic problems of campus culture in colleges and universities, clarifies the concept of culture and campus culture, clarifies the relationship between campus culture and ideological and political education, and clarifies the characteristics and functions of campus culture in colleges and universities. The third part, on the basis of studying the historical development of campus culture construction in colleges and universities in China, analyzes the present situation of campus culture construction in colleges and universities in China from the perspective of ideological and political education. This paper summarizes the achievements and problems in the construction of campus culture in colleges and universities in China. The fourth part, in view of the actual problems, explores the countermeasures of the campus culture construction in our country under the view of ideological and political education. The characteristics of this paper are a series of realistic conditions, such as the theory and practice of ideological and political education in many colleges and universities are divorced, the understanding of campus culture is one-sided, and the construction of campus culture is not paid enough attention. Although the research of ideological and political education and campus culture has reached a certain theoretical level, but the interactive research is not deep enough, it is innovative to study the campus culture construction in the field of ideological and political education.


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