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发布时间:2018-11-28 16:13
【摘要】:21世纪的中国,面临着国际上经济、政治、科学技术、思想文化等各方面的日益激烈竞争与挑战,更面临着国内经济体制转轨和政治体制改革的深化。大学生是国家的接班人、未来的建设者,他们的民族精神培育成功与否不但关系着其自身的思想道德素质,并且在很大程度上决定了我国能否实现中华民族的伟大复兴。 本文从实证出发,通过对甘肃省兰州市三所大学的大学生民族精神培育进行调查,分析目前在大学生民族精神培育中所存在的具体问题及原因,并有针对性的提出了一些对策建议。 本文分四个部分:第一部分:主要阐释了民族精神的相关理论问题,从而使读者明晰民族精神的相关概念与内容、特征及基本功能等基本理论问题。第二部分:从理论和现实两个方面论述了进行大学生民族精神培育的必要性。第三部分包括两个方面的大问题,第一个问题是对当代的大学生尤其是兰州的几所高校大学生进行问卷调查,从而根据问题对症下药。本次问卷包括三个方面的内容:1、大学生对于国情、世情方面的了解情况;2、大学生对于民族精神的理解程度;3、大学生自己是怎样践行民族精神的。第二,是依据实证调查进而查找当前大学生民族精神培育过程中存在的问题,并以此为基础对其影响因素进行了一定程度的成因分析。第四部分:集中探讨增强大学生民族精神培育实效性的原则和对策。从原则方面来说主要包括:第一,理论性与现实性相结合的原则;第二,传统性与时代性相结合的原则;第三,,系统性与层次性相结合的原则;第四,教育者与受教育者“双主体”相结合的原则。最后,依据原则,探讨了解决问题的对策途径主要有:发挥思想政治教育理论课的主渠道作用;发挥重要节日与重大历史事件的教育作用;加强校园文化建设,营造良好氛围;培养学生自主学习的方法。
[Abstract]:In the 21st century, China is facing the increasingly fierce competition and challenge from the international economy, politics, science and technology, ideology and culture, and the deepening of the domestic economic system transformation and political system reform. College students are the successors of the country and the builders of the future. The success of their national spirit cultivation is not only related to their own ideological and moral quality, but also determines to a large extent whether our country can realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. By investigating the cultivation of college students' national spirit in three universities of Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, this paper analyzes the specific problems and reasons existing in the cultivation of national spirit of college students. And put forward some countermeasures and suggestions. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly explains the related theoretical problems of national spirit, so as to make the reader clear the basic theoretical problems such as the concept and content, characteristics and basic functions of the national spirit. The second part discusses the necessity of cultivating the national spirit of college students from two aspects: theory and reality. The third part includes two major problems. The first question is to carry on the questionnaire survey to the contemporary university students, especially the Lanzhou several university students, thus according to the question right medicine. The questionnaire includes three aspects: 1, the understanding of the national conditions of college students, the world situation; 2, the understanding of the national spirit of college students; 3, how to practice the national spirit of college students themselves. Secondly, according to the empirical investigation to find out the existing problems in the process of cultivating the national spirit of college students, and based on this, the causes of its influence factors are analyzed to a certain extent. The fourth part focuses on the principles and countermeasures to enhance the effectiveness of the cultivation of college students' national spirit. From the aspect of principle, it mainly includes: first, the principle of combining theory with reality; second, the principle of combining tradition with times; third, the principle of systematization and hierarchy; Fourth, the principle of the combination of the educator and the educatee. Finally, according to the principle, the countermeasures to solve the problems are discussed, which are as follows: giving play to the main channel of the ideological and political education theory course, giving play to the educational function of important festivals and major historical events, strengthening the construction of campus culture and creating a good atmosphere; Cultivate students' independent learning methods.


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