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发布时间:2018-12-06 22:15
【摘要】:多元智能理论是由美国著名学者加德纳提出的,,现在已经应用于西方的多个领域和多所学校。在我国主要应用于幼儿教育、少儿教育和英语教育方面。在高等教育方面,首先应用于高等职业技术学校。本文通过问卷调查、访谈法、比较分析等多种研究方法,对应用型旅游本科人才的自身特点、市场需求、学科特点三个方面进行综合分析,提出基于多元智能理论的人才培养模式及其保障措施。此人才培养模式以全面提高人才的知识、能力和素质为目标,注重在培养目标的设立、培养方案的实施以及确立保障条件时以多元智能理论为依托,使应用型旅游本科人才在高等教育过程中能够全面发展的同时,增强其对市场的适应性,并在其今后的生活和工作中能够不断完善自身,持续发展。高校在人才培养过程中应注重八项智能都得到发展,使优势智能不断加强,劣势智能也能有所提高。对应用型旅游本科人才来说,更应该重视其创造性和适应性的培养。希望此模式的构建能为应用型旅游本科人才培养提供建议。 论文包括五个部分:第一部分为引言,阐述研究的背景及意义、国内外研究综述、研究框架和论文创新;第二部分为研究理论概述,对本文的主要概念和多元智能理论进行阐述;第三部分通过调查法和比较分析法,对本次调查的可行性和必要性分别进行分析;第四部分,对应用型旅游本科人才培养模式进行系统构建;第五部分,阐述应用型旅游本科人才培养的保障条件。
[Abstract]:The theory of multiple intelligences was put forward by Gardner, a famous American scholar, and has been applied to many fields and schools in the West. It is mainly used in early childhood education, children's education and English education in China. In higher education, the first application in higher vocational and technical schools. Through questionnaire, interview, comparative analysis and other research methods, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics, market demand and discipline characteristics of applied tourism undergraduate talents. The talent training model based on multiple intelligence theory and its safeguard measures are put forward. The aim of this talent training model is to improve the knowledge, ability and quality of the talents in an all-round way, and to pay attention to the establishment of the training objectives, the implementation of the training programs and the establishment of the guarantee conditions, based on the theory of multiple intelligences. In the process of higher education, the applied tourism undergraduate talents can develop in an all-round way, at the same time, enhance their adaptability to the market, and continue to improve themselves and develop continuously in their future life and work. Colleges and universities should pay attention to the development of eight kinds of intelligence in the process of talent training, so that the superior intelligence can be strengthened constantly, and the inferior intelligence can be improved. To the applied tourism undergraduate talents, we should pay more attention to the cultivation of their creativity and adaptability. It is hoped that the construction of this model can provide suggestions for the cultivation of applied tourism undergraduate talents. The paper includes five parts: the first part is the introduction, the background and significance of the research, the domestic and foreign research review, the research framework and the innovation of the paper; The second part is an overview of the research theory, the main concepts of this paper and the theory of multiple intelligences are expounded. The third part analyzes the feasibility and necessity of the investigation through the method of investigation and comparative analysis. The fourth part is the systematic construction of applied tourism undergraduate talents training mode, the fifth part, expounds the guarantee conditions of applied tourism undergraduate talents training.


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