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发布时间:2018-12-07 12:22
【摘要】:百年大计,教育为本,教育大计,教师为本。有好的教师,才能有好的教育。教师是教育这一大工程的工程师,是教育活动中最为重要的行为主体。教师的素质高低直接决定了教育质量的好坏,尤其随着新课改对教师提出了新的要求,培养高素质的教师队伍成为我国教育事业的必然要求和发展趋势。 教育实习是教师教育过程中最为关键的一部分,作为即将成为一线教师的师范生,如何在实习中实现理论与实践的融合,促进自我发展与成长,是每一名师范生必须解决的问题。众多理论和实践研究都已经表明,合作的方式是促进教师专业发展的必要途径之一。因而本研究以教育实习场景中的师范生合作为研究主题,以促进师范生的个人发展为根本出发点,从五部分对师范生的合作进行研究: 第一部分问题提出,主要阐明教师专业发展的重要性,以及合作对于教师专业发展的促进作用,由此提出了教育实习中师范生合作存在的问题。合作是师范生专业发展的必要途径,在实习中开展合作活动,在互动和交往的过程中,推动师范生的发展与成长,形成良好的同伴关系,培养师范生的合作交往技能。 第二部分文献综述,主要对教师合作的内涵进行了分析,并对已有文献的合作理论基础研究、合作实践研究进行了一定的梳理和总结,并在此基础上提出了师范生合作的基本概念和实践形式。 第三部分研究设计,在理论分析的基础上,界定相关概念,提出本研究拟解决的问题及使用的研究方法,并指出了本研究的研究目的和研究价值。 第四部分实习中合作的具体情况分析,针对研究设计中的四个研究问题,分析师范生合作的现状。第一,分析了师范生对合作的认识,提出了实习中师范生的合作认知、合作态度和合作动机;第二、从合作的计划和准备、合作的实施和合作的反思与总结三方面提出了实习中合作的基本流程;第三,从个人和团队两方面提出了师范生合作效果的具体情况;四,提出了实习中合作存在的问题,并从内在因素和外在因素两方面对原因进行了简要分析。 第五部分提高合作效果的对策分析,针对目前师范生组织参与合作存在的问题及原因,从个人方面、合作的组织方面以及学校方面提出了提高合作效果的几个建议。
[Abstract]:A hundred-year plan, education-based, educational-based, teacher-oriented. A good education can only be achieved by a good teacher. The teacher is the engineer of the education project and the most important behavior subject in the educational activity. The quality of teachers directly determines the quality of education, especially with the new curriculum reform put forward new requirements for teachers, the cultivation of high-quality teachers has become the inevitable requirement and development trend of education in China. Teaching practice is the most important part in the process of teacher education. As a normal student who is about to become a first-line teacher, how to realize the integration of theory and practice in practice and promote self-development and growth. It is a problem that every normal student must solve. Many theoretical and practical studies have shown that the cooperative approach is one of the necessary ways to promote teachers' professional development. Therefore, this study takes the cooperation of normal school students in the context of educational practice as the research theme and promotes the personal development of normal school students as the basic starting point, and studies the cooperation of normal school students from five parts: the first part of the question is put forward. This paper expounds the importance of teachers' professional development and the role of cooperation in promoting teachers' professional development, and puts forward the problems existing in the cooperation between teachers and students in the practice of education. Cooperation is the necessary way for the professional development of normal school students. In the process of interaction and communication, the cooperative activities should be carried out to promote the development and growth of normal school students, to form good peer relations and to train their cooperative communication skills. The second part of the literature review, mainly analysis of the connotation of teacher cooperation, and the existing literature on the theoretical basis of cooperation, cooperative practice research has been combed and summarized to a certain extent. On this basis, the author puts forward the basic concept and practice form of normal college students'cooperation. The third part of the research design, on the basis of theoretical analysis, defines the relevant concepts, puts forward the problems to be solved in this study and uses the research methods, and points out the purpose and research value of this study. The fourth part analyzes the concrete situation of the cooperation in practice, and analyzes the current situation of the cooperation among normal school students in view of the four research problems in the research and design. First, it analyzes the students' understanding of cooperation, and puts forward their cognition, attitude and motivation of cooperation. Second, from the plan and preparation of cooperation, the implementation of cooperation and the reflection and summary of cooperation, put forward the basic process of cooperation in practice, third, from the individual and team aspects of the specific situation of cooperation between teachers and students; Fourth, the problems of cooperation in practice are put forward, and the causes are briefly analyzed from internal and external factors. The fifth part analyzes the countermeasures to improve the effect of cooperation, aiming at the existing problems and reasons of normal students' participation in cooperation, and puts forward some suggestions to improve the effect of cooperation from the aspects of individual, organization and school.


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