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发布时间:2018-12-11 08:50
【摘要】:人的全面发展是人类发展过程中永恒的追求,更是人类不断实践、探索,不断提升、完善自我的过程。实现人的全面发展,是促进人类社会全面发展的前提,也是人类社会发展的目标。生活观是一个内容复杂、内涵丰富的概念,狭义上讲是一个人对待生活的态度和观点,广义上的生活观是人们在一定的社会客观条件制约下,形成的指导和影响日常生活活动和行为特征的价值理念,它包括人们对待社会生活、职业生活、婚姻家庭生活等广阔领域活动的态度。近年来大学生的生活教育得到了国家的高度重视,教育部在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》中提出大学生应该学会生存和生活,改进完善学校德智体美劳方面的教育,促进大学生身心全面发展,培养大学生良好的生活情趣和爱好,促进大学生德育、智育、体育、美育有机融合,提高综合素质,使之成为全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。由此可见培养正确的生活观、良好的品行和行为习惯,增强学生的社会责任感,促进学生全面发展,已经具有重要的现实意义和指导作用。 目前,随着社会思想对大学生的进一步渗透,学生受到社会各种不良生活观念影响越来越深,一些消极、低俗、奢靡的生活观念在大学生群体中蔓延,影响着大学生正确生活观念的形成和科学、健康、文明生活方式的选择,阻碍大学生全面发展,同时对整个社会的生活方式理念也有一定的消极影响。本文通过分析国内外文献和资料,以马克思人的全面发展理论为指导,结合大学生这一特定群体开展调查问卷并获得大量的一手资料,全面分析大学生在学习观、消费观、恋爱观、人际观和休闲观五个方面的特点和存在的问题,并对这些问题的成因进行了多维度的分析,进而通过大学生自身、学校、家庭和社会四位一体为培养大学生正确的生活观提供有效途径,促进大学生全面发展。将马克思人的全面发展理论与培养大学生正确的生活观相结合,希望本文能为高校教育工作者提供了一些新的思路。
[Abstract]:The all-round development of human being is the eternal pursuit in the course of human development, and it is also the process of continuous practice, exploration, promotion and perfection of human beings. To realize the all-round development of human is the premise of promoting the all-round development of human society and the goal of the development of human society. Life view is a concept with complex content and rich connotation. In a narrow sense, it is a person's attitude and viewpoint towards life. In a broad sense, life view is restricted by certain social objective conditions. It includes people's attitude towards social life, professional life, marriage and family life. In recent years, the life education of college students has been attached great importance to by the state. In the outline of the National medium and long term Education Reform and Development Plan, the Ministry of Education proposed that college students should learn to survive and live, and improve the education of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor in schools. To promote the all-round development of college students' body and mind, to cultivate their good life interests and hobbies, to promote the organic integration of moral, intellectual, sports and aesthetic education of college students, to improve their comprehensive quality, and to make them become socialist builders and successors of all-round development. It can be seen that it has important practical significance and guiding function to cultivate correct outlook of life, good behavior and behavior habits, enhance students' social responsibility and promote students' all-round development. At present, with the further penetration of social thoughts into college students, students are more and more deeply influenced by various social unhealthy life concepts. Some negative, vulgar and extravagant concepts of life are spreading among college students. It affects the formation of college students' correct concept of life and the choice of scientific, healthy and civilized way of life, hinders the all-round development of college students, and also has a certain negative impact on the concept of life style of the whole society. Based on the analysis of literature and materials at home and abroad, and guided by Marx's theory of all-round development of human beings, combined with this particular group of college students to carry out questionnaires and obtain a large number of first-hand materials, this paper comprehensively analyzes the view of study and consumption of college students. The characteristics and problems in five aspects of love view, interpersonal view and leisure view, and the causes of these problems are analyzed in many dimensions, and then through the college students themselves, the school, The family and society provide an effective way to cultivate the correct view of life of college students and promote the all-round development of college students. By combining Marx's theory of all-round development of human beings with the cultivation of college students' correct view of life, it is hoped that this paper will provide some new ideas for the educators in colleges and universities.


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