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发布时间:2018-12-14 12:25
【摘要】:进入二十一世纪,,我国社会主义法治国家建设以及构建社会主义和谐社会迈入新的发展阶段,社会各界越来越关注当代大学生法律素质教育。目前高等院校大学生往往注重专业课程的学习与研究,其法律素养较差,缺乏法律观念,不能积极主动地利用法律武器维护自身合法权益。本文从新形势下加强大学生法律素质的现实紧迫性以及法治理论为研究出发点,首先阐述大学生法律素质的概念及其构成内容,然后立足我国高等教育的现实,深层次剖析我国目前大学生法律素质方面存在的种种不足与缺陷。同时在此基础上就如何加强大学生法律素质的培养作了初步构想,着重分析加强大学生法律素质的时代必要性以及探索提高大学生法律素质培养的有效途径,以期提高我国大学生的法律素质。 文章的内容由五个部分组成。第一章为绪论。笔者首先从理论与现实两个层面介绍本文的选题依据;然后阐述了国内、国外关于大学生法律素质的研究现状;最后介绍本文的研究价值、研究方法以及研究思路。第二章为新形势下大学生法律素质相关基本理论。首先对法与法律的概念、法律素质的概念进行了解析;其次,从马克思主义基本原理的研究视角出发解析大学生法律素质的特征;最后从三个方面介绍了大学生法律素质的构成要素。第三章为新形势下加强大学生法律素质培养之必然性。从加强大学生法律素质培养的理论要求层面与现实需要层面两个维度,对新形势下加强大学生法律素质培养的必然性进行了阐述。第四章为当前我国大学生法律素质现状及原因分析。本章首先指出了当前我国大学生法律素质培养中所存在的主要问题问题,最后对当前我国大学生法律素质不足进行原因分析。第五章为新形势下完善大学生法律素质培养的举措。在本章提出了完善大学生法律素质培养的措施,首先,介绍了大学生法律素质培养的目标;然后,介绍了开展大学生法律素质培养的主要思路及原则;最后,提出新形势下完善大学生法律素质培养的具体举措。
[Abstract]:In the 21 century, the construction of the socialist country ruled by law and the construction of a harmonious socialist society have entered a new stage of development, and all walks of life have paid more and more attention to the legal quality education of contemporary college students. At present, college students often pay attention to the study and research of professional courses, their legal literacy is poor, lack of legal concept, can not actively use the legal weapons to protect their legitimate rights and interests. From the point of view of the urgency of strengthening the legal quality of college students under the new situation and the theory of rule of law as the starting point, this paper first expounds the concept and the content of the legal quality of college students, and then bases itself on the reality of higher education in our country. Deep analysis of the current legal quality of college students in China there are a variety of shortcomings and defects. At the same time, on the basis of this, the author makes a preliminary idea on how to strengthen the cultivation of college students' legal quality, and emphatically analyzes the necessity of strengthening the legal quality of college students and explores the effective ways to improve the cultivation of college students' legal quality. In order to improve the legal quality of college students in China. The content of the article consists of five parts. The first chapter is the introduction. At first, the author introduces the basis of this paper from the theoretical and practical aspects; then expounds the domestic and foreign research on the legal quality of college students; finally, introduces the research value, research methods and research ideas. The second chapter is the basic theory of college students' legal quality under the new situation. Firstly, it analyzes the concepts of law and law, and the concept of legal quality, secondly, analyzes the characteristics of college students' legal quality from the perspective of the basic principles of Marxism. Finally, it introduces the elements of college students' legal quality from three aspects. The third chapter is the necessity of strengthening the cultivation of college students'legal quality under the new situation. This paper expounds the necessity of strengthening the cultivation of the legal quality of college students under the new situation from the two dimensions of strengthening the theoretical requirements and the practical needs of the cultivation of the legal quality of college students. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the current situation and reasons of the legal quality of college students in our country. This chapter first points out the main problems existing in the cultivation of the legal quality of college students in our country, and finally analyzes the reasons for the insufficiency of the legal quality of college students in our country. The fifth chapter is the measures to improve the legal quality of college students under the new situation. In this chapter, the author puts forward the measures to perfect the cultivation of college students' legal quality, firstly, introduces the goal of the cultivation of college students' legal quality, then introduces the main ideas and principles of developing the cultivation of university students' legal quality. Finally, the author puts forward some concrete measures to improve the legal quality of college students under the new situation.


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