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发布时间:2018-12-14 23:34
【摘要】:高校后勤服务是一项基础性的工作,是高等教育事业的重要组成部分,它的好坏,直接影响着高等教育事业的发展,影响着人才培养的质量。后勤管理是学校管理的不可或缺的一部分,是保障学校生存与发展的根本性条件。如果管理的不科学,服务意识淡薄,没有严密的运作程序,要培养高级应用型人才几乎是不可能的。因此本文将以黑龙江工程学院为研究对象,将现阶段后勤服务质量存在的一些问题进行总结,客观分析了后勤服务总公司后勤管理弊端形成的原因,就如何提升和改善后勤服务质量,更好的为广大师生服务进行研究。 本文通过选取不同的调研方法,对黑龙江工程学院后勤服务质量进行研究,通过大众师生反映的信息,发现在后勤服务管理方面存在的一系列不足,在总结原因的过程中,积极寻求改善方案。 后勤保障是成就事业不可缺少的一个重要环节,高校后勤服务对高校的可持续发展至关重要。如果后勤保障不能满足教学、科研的需要,不能满足广大师生的需要,致使学校不能培养出社会需要的合格人才,学生就无法就业,学校也就没有生源。所以后勤职工要时刻把服好务、育好人、做好事牢记在心,努力提高服务水平和质量。高校后勤改革是我国高等教育改革的主要内容之一,基本目标就是高校后勤社会化。随着各大高校的后勤社会化改革进程的不断深入,师生对后勤服务和管理水平的要求也随之增高,高校后勤本身也需不断调整,使自己的服务管理越来越科学化、程序化、专业化,所以提高后勤服务质量,成为高校后勤部门提高整体服务水平的核心。如何建立长效机制,从根本上保证后勤服务水平不断提高,也是一个本文亟待研究的课题。 本文在大量阅读分析有质量管理的理论和实际案例的基础上,,针对黑龙江工程学院现有的管理体制的实际情况,本文正是在这样一个理论研究和企业实际相结合的背景下,通过对黑龙江工程学院后勤服务质量存在的问题进行分析,针对目前后勤服务现状和所存在的问题进行具体分析予以研究,指出后勤服务总公司质量管理不到位形成的原因,同时提出新的建设性的策略,希望能改善后勤服务总公司的服务质量,促进后勤服务总公司的发展,试图将黑龙江工程学院后勤服务质量管理水平向前推进一步,提出自己的观点和评估以寻求适宜、有效的对策,从而为后勤服务总公司提供有效的改进措施。
[Abstract]:Logistics service in colleges and universities is a basic work and an important part of higher education. Its quality directly affects the development of higher education and the quality of talent training. Logistics management is an indispensable part of school management and a fundamental condition to ensure the survival and development of schools. If the management is not scientific, the service consciousness is weak, and there is no strict operation procedure, it is almost impossible to train advanced applied talents. Therefore, this paper will take Heilongjiang Institute of Engineering as the research object, summarize some problems existing in logistics service quality at the present stage, and objectively analyze the reasons for the malpractice of logistics management in logistics service head office. How to improve and improve the quality of logistics services, better for teachers and students to service. By selecting different research methods, this paper studies the quality of logistics service in Heilongjiang Institute of Engineering. Through the information reflected by the public teachers and students, we find a series of deficiencies in the management of logistics service, and in the process of summing up the reasons, Actively seek improvement programs. Logistics support is an indispensable link in the cause of achievement, and it is very important for the sustainable development of colleges and universities. If the logistic support can not meet the needs of teaching, scientific research, and the needs of teachers and students, the school will not be able to train qualified talents for social needs, students will not be able to obtain employment, and the school will have no students. Therefore, logistics workers should always serve well, educate good people, keep good deeds in mind, and strive to improve service level and quality. The reform of university logistics is one of the main contents of higher education reform in China, and the basic goal is the socialization of university logistics. With the deepening of the reform process of logistics socialization in colleges and universities, the demands of teachers and students on the level of service and management of logistics are also increasing, and the logistics of colleges and universities need to be adjusted constantly, so that their service management becomes more and more scientific and programmed. Specialization, so improve the quality of logistics services, become the core of improving the overall service level of logistics departments in colleges and universities. How to establish a long-term mechanism to ensure the continuous improvement of logistics service level is also an urgent topic to be studied in this paper. Based on a large number of reading and analyzing the theory and practical cases of quality management, this paper aims at the actual situation of the existing management system in Heilongjiang Institute of Engineering, and this paper is just under the background of combining the theoretical research with the practice of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the quality of logistics service in Heilongjiang Engineering College, this paper analyzes the present situation and problems of logistics service, and points out the reasons why the quality management of logistics service company is not in place. At the same time, it puts forward new and constructive strategies in the hope of improving the service quality of the logistics service head office, promoting the development of the logistics service head office, and trying to push forward the level of logistics service quality management in Heilongjiang Engineering College. Put forward own viewpoint and evaluation to seek suitable and effective countermeasure, thus provide effective improvement measures for logistics service company.


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