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发布时间:2018-12-15 19:09
【摘要】:独立学院,作为我国高等教育由精英化转向大众化的产物,自20世纪90年代末以“二级学院”为雏形产生、创办以来,仅在短短的10余年间就取得了迅猛的发展。然而,由于独立学院在产生初期缺乏相关法律政策的引导,加之其按新机制、新模式举办,独立学院在办学过程中,,出现定位不准、定位趋同、缺乏特色等现象,很多独立学院甚至简单地照搬母体高校的定位模式。 本论文运用理论研究与实证研究相结合的方法,对独立学院定位问题进行了系统研究。作为高等教育的新生事物,独立学院的发展时间不长,也具有与传统高等院校不同的特性,因此,对于独立学院的定位也与传统高校不同。在综述国内外关于高等院校以及独立学院定位的研究文献的基础上,重点分析了我国独立学院定位的现状,指出当前我国独立学院定位存在办学属性定位不清,定位脱离现实,人才培养定位模糊不清,过度依赖母体高校等六大问题。其中,政府政策,地方社会经济发展状况等宏观因素,以及独立学院管理者行为以及母体高校的特点等微观因素直接影响着独立学院定位。提出了改进独立学院科学定位的对策,包括完善相关的政策法规,落实和扩大独立学院的办学自主权,建立科学合理的独立学院评估体系,规范独立学院办学主体的行为以及明确人才培养定位目标,优化课程体系,加强专职教师队伍建设,加大教学设施投入,提升管理队伍的服务水平等。最后,以西安交通大学城市学院为对象进行了案例研究。系统分析了西安交通大学城市学院定位的现状及其合理性,针对改进城市学院的定位提出了对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Independent college, as the product of higher education in our country from elite to popular, has been developed rapidly since it was founded in the late 1990s with "secondary college" as its embryonic form. However, due to the lack of guidance of relevant laws and policies in the initial stage of the independent college, and its new mechanism and new mode, the independent college in the process of running a school, there are some phenomena, such as inaccurate positioning, convergence of positioning, lack of characteristics, etc. Many independent colleges even simply copy the positioning model of parent universities. This paper makes a systematic study on the orientation of independent colleges by combining theoretical research with empirical research. As a new thing in higher education, independent colleges have not been developed for a long time and have different characteristics from traditional colleges and universities. Therefore, the orientation of independent colleges is different from that of traditional colleges and universities. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign researches on the orientation of colleges and independent colleges, this paper analyzes the present situation of the orientation of independent colleges in China, and points out that the orientation of independent colleges in our country is not clear in the orientation of running schools, and the orientation is divorced from reality. The orientation of talent training is vague, and the six major problems are excessive dependence on parent institutions of higher learning. Among them, government policy, local social and economic development and other macro factors, as well as the behavior of independent college managers and the characteristics of parent colleges and universities directly affect the positioning of independent colleges. The paper puts forward some countermeasures to improve the scientific orientation of independent colleges, including perfecting relevant policies and regulations, implementing and expanding the autonomy of independent colleges, and establishing a scientific and reasonable evaluation system of independent colleges. Standardizing the behavior of the main body of running a school in an independent college, clarifying the orientation of personnel training, optimizing the curriculum system, strengthening the construction of full-time teachers, increasing the input of teaching facilities, improving the service level of the management team, etc. Finally, a case study of Xi'an Jiaotong University City College is carried out. This paper systematically analyzes the present situation and rationality of the city college of Xi'an Jiaotong University, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for improving the positioning of the city college.


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2 汪莹;独立学院发展战略问题研究[D];南昌大学;2015年




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