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发布时间:2018-12-17 02:01
【摘要】:面对当今世界的新军事变革、国际风云变幻不定的军事时代,培养和储备军事人才是军事斗争准备的基础,国防生是国家依托地方高等院校为军队培养掌握高科技知识的后备军事人才。国防生是未来战争中的军事指挥官,他们肩上的责任是神圣和光荣的。他们能否成长为具有全面素质的军事人才,能否在我国国防事业中扮演好接班人的角色,不只是决定于这一学生群体了解、掌握以及可以运用的基础军事知识和战斗技能,更多地在于他们是否确立了正确的价值观念。伴随国防生选拔和培养工作的,既有不断发展壮大的军事队伍,也有接踵而至因时代、社会、家庭教育所带来的问题。 本文首先通过对国内国防生的培养进行了研究,然后笔者利用各种有效渠道,围绕对国防生这一主题广泛收集了大量的基础资料,并且立足于国防生的突出特点、开展工作需要的环境、具备的综合素质、对于该群体的有效管理以及他们的价值观等主要因素,设计和制定了有效的调查问卷进行了实践调研活动,在有效回收和整理这一调查结果的基础上,本文深入挖掘出现阶段国防生群体中面临的主要问题,这些问题包括他们的家庭、周边社会以及国家政策等全方位的问题。在上述基础上,本文针对总结出来的主要问题,深入探讨每一个问题的内在根源。结合高校与军队思想政治教育理论,对目前我国国防生思想政治教育工作情况进行的分析,提出有效强化我国国防生思想政治教育的有益建议和意见,尝试为该项重要的思想工作提供借鉴与参考,使高校国防生思想政治教育培养工作能得到完善和发展。
[Abstract]:In the face of the new military changes in today's world and the uncertain military times in the world, training and reserving military personnel is the basis for preparing for military struggle. National defense students rely on local institutions of higher learning to train military personnel with high-tech knowledge for the military. National defense students are military commanders in future wars, and their responsibilities are sacred and glorious. Whether they can grow into fully qualified military personnel and play the role of successors in our national defense does not depend only on the basic military knowledge and combat skills that this group of students can understand, master and apply. It is more about whether they have established the right values. Along with the selection and training of national defense students, there are not only the growing military force, but also the problems brought by the times, society and family education. Firstly, this paper studies the training of national defense students in China, and then the author collects a large amount of basic data around the subject of national defense students by using various effective channels, and bases on the outstanding characteristics of national defense students. The environment needed to carry out the work, the comprehensive quality of the work, the effective management of the group and their values and other main factors, the design and development of an effective questionnaire for practical research activities, On the basis of the effective recovery and collation of the survey results, this paper deeply explores the main problems faced by the national defense students in the emerging stage, including their families, the surrounding society and the national policy, and so on. On the basis of the above, this paper probes into the inner root of each problem in view of the main problems summarized. Based on the theory of ideological and political education in colleges and the army, this paper analyzes the current situation of ideological and political education of national defense students in China, and puts forward some useful suggestions and suggestions for strengthening the ideological and political education of national defense students in China. This paper tries to provide reference and reference for this important ideological work so as to improve and develop the ideological and political education of national defense students in colleges and universities.


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