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发布时间:2018-12-18 12:32
【摘要】:在当下价值多元化的背景下,大学生内心的道德矛盾和道德冲突不可避免,正确的道德选择决定大学生群体的最终道德行为,如何培育和提高大学生道德选择能力成为当下高校德育工作中的重要任务。 本研究以浙江高校大学生为研究对象,通过调查了解当代大学生自身的道德选择现状,分析道德认知、道德情感、道德判断和道德意志对道德选择的影响,归纳目前存在的主要问题,尝试从高校德育工作的角度给出培养和提高大学生道德选择能力的对策。 研究采用实证分析方法,以道德选择过程的心理机制及影响因素理论为基础,编制《大学生道德选择现状调查问卷》,采用访谈法和问卷法对浙江五所高校大学生进行调查研究。利用SPSS16.0软件、通过频数分析法、多选项分析法和交叉列联表分析法对调查数据进行统计分析。 结果表明:(1)专业差异:文科生道德认知水平普遍较高,但道德行为与之不对称。(2)性别差异:在“道德情感”上,男生更为淡漠,女生的“道德情感”与“道德行为”存在不一致性。(3)是否独生子女差异:非独生子女表现出更多的独立意识,独生子女表现更多的迷茫与困惑。(4)生源地差异:来自农村的学生“道德判断”较弱;来自大中城市的学生在“道德判断”上还不够清晰,导致道德行为不确定性。(5)家庭经济情况差异:家庭经济情况很好或很困难的学生“道德情感”表现冷漠由此导致“道德行为”较弱。(6)年级差异:毕业班学生趋向实际追求,低年级学生“道德判断”较弱;毕业班学生“道德情感”较淡薄,道德行为因此弱化。基于调查研究得到以下结论:(1)当前社会环境呈现复杂性和多样性,高校大学生思想活动也具有复杂性、多样性和现实性等特征。(2)高校德育工作未能多层次、多角度地纵深发展,学校道德选择教育的主导性作用未能有效发挥。(3)当代大学生的道德选择能力有所欠缺,大学生道德选择的主体性地位未能充分的发挥。 在调查研究的基础上,提出改善大学生道德选择现状的对策和建议:(1)转变高校德育工作理念,确保高校德育工作的民主性、开放性、实效性。(2)完善校园文化建设,,营造良好的校园文化、道德环境。(3)强化大学生的道德责任教育,发挥大学生道德选择的主体性作用。
[Abstract]:Under the background of value diversification, moral contradiction and moral conflict are inevitable in college students. The correct moral choice determines the ultimate moral behavior of college students. How to cultivate and improve the ability of moral choice of college students has become an important task in moral education in colleges and universities. This research takes Zhejiang university student as the research object, through the investigation understands the present situation of the contemporary university student's own moral choice, analyzes the moral cognition, the moral emotion, the moral judgment and the moral will to the moral choice influence. This paper sums up the main problems existing at present, and tries to give the countermeasures to cultivate and improve the moral choice ability of college students from the angle of moral education in colleges and universities. Based on the theory of psychological mechanism and influencing factors in the process of moral choice, the questionnaire of the present situation of moral choice of college students is compiled. The investigation and research on five college students in Zhejiang Province were carried out by means of interview and questionnaire. Using SPSS16.0 software, frequency analysis, multi-option analysis and cross-list analysis are used to analyze the survey data. The results showed that: (1) Professional differences: the moral cognition level of liberal arts students was generally higher, but the moral behavior was not symmetrical with it. (2) gender differences: in "moral emotion", boys were more indifferent, There is inconsistency between "moral emotion" and "moral behavior" of female students. (3) whether the only child is different: the non-only child shows more independent consciousness, Only children show more confusion and confusion. (4) differences of students' origin: students from rural areas are weak in "moral judgment"; The "moral judgment" of students from large and medium-sized cities is not clear enough. (5) the difference of the family economic situation: the students with good or very difficult family financial situation show "moral emotion" apathy, which leads to the weaker "moral behavior". (6) Grade difference: Class students tend to pursue practical goals, The "moral judgment" of the junior students is weak; The graduating class "moral emotion" is weak, the moral behavior is weakened as a result. Based on the investigation and research, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the current social environment presents complexity and diversity, and the ideological activities of college students also have the characteristics of complexity, diversity and reality. The dominant role of school moral choice education has not been effectively brought into play. (3) the moral choice ability of contemporary college students is lacking and the subjective position of college students' moral choice has not been given full play. On the basis of investigation and research, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to improve the present situation of moral choice of college students: (1) to change the concept of moral education in colleges and universities, to ensure the democracy, openness and effectiveness of moral education in colleges and universities, and (2) to perfect the construction of campus culture. To create a good campus culture and moral environment. (3) to strengthen the moral responsibility education of college students and give full play to the subjective role of moral choice of college students.


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