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发布时间:2018-12-20 18:39
【摘要】:高校德育旨在培养大学生成为有德性的人,而如今,处于社会转型和各种价值激荡的时代,高校大学生中出现了一定程度的道德危机和信仰危机。而对新形势新情况,寻求更多、更新的途径方法以促进高校德育良性发展具有重要意义,而主旋律影视文化作为弘扬社会主流价值观念的文化形态,其积极向上的文化内涵和快捷的传播方式正是高校德育需求的。但主旋律影视文化的到来也给高校德育带来了新挑战,同时主旋律影视文化同高校德育的结合也面临诸多问题和困难。针对这一情况,本文采取了问卷、访谈、理论分析等方法,对主旋律影视文化在高校德育中的影响及其运用对策进行了探讨,全文分为六个部分。 第一部分:导论,主要阐述了本选题的研究意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和研究方法,梳理了关于“影视文化”概念的几种观点。 第二部分:介绍主旋律影视文化的发展,界定了主旋律影视文化的概念,并对其主要特征进行了分析。 第三部分:从实证和理论研究两个方面对主旋律影视文化的德育影响进行了调查研究,在分析调查结果和钻研以往研究的基础上总结了主旋律影视文化对高校德育的积极作用。 第四部分:从教育者的角色、德育的管理和评价、主旋律影视文化与高校德育的结合等角度,详细地分析了高校德育在主旋律影视文化传播下面临的挑战。 第五部分:探讨了主旋律影视文化传播给高校德育带来挑战的原因:教育者主旋律影视意识不强、德育工作者管理和评价技能水平参差不齐、主旋律影视文化自身发展不完善以及大学生对主旋律影视文化的刻板印象深刻。 第六部分:从学校角度出发,提出促进主旋律影视文化与高校德育相结合的对策,形成教育者引导、学生自我教育、完善主旋律影视课程、加快校园文化建设四者之间的合力,达到提高主旋律影视文化德育效果的目的。
[Abstract]:The purpose of moral education in colleges and universities is to train college students to become virtuous people, but now, in the era of social transformation and various values agitation, there is a certain degree of moral crisis and belief crisis among college students. In view of the new situation and new situation, it is of great significance to seek more and newer ways to promote the benign development of moral education in colleges and universities, while the main theme film and television culture is the cultural form of carrying forward the social mainstream values. Its positive cultural connotation and fast way of communication is the demand of moral education in colleges and universities. However, the coming of the main theme film and television culture also brings new challenges to the moral education in colleges and universities. At the same time, the combination of the theme film culture and the university moral education also faces many problems and difficulties. In view of this situation, this paper adopts the methods of questionnaire, interview and theoretical analysis to discuss the influence of the main theme film and television culture on the moral education in colleges and universities and its application countermeasures. The full text is divided into six parts. The first part: introduction, mainly elaborated this topic research significance, the domestic and foreign research present situation, the research thought and the research method, combs several views about the concept of "film and television culture". The second part: introduces the development of the theme film and television culture, defines the concept of the theme film and television culture, and analyzes its main characteristics. The third part: from the two aspects of empirical and theoretical research on the main theme of film and television culture of the moral impact of the investigation and research on the basis of previous studies summed up the theme of film and television culture on the positive role of moral education in colleges and universities. The fourth part: from the perspective of the role of educators, the management and evaluation of moral education, the combination of main theme film and television culture and moral education in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes in detail the challenges faced by moral education in colleges and universities under the spread of thematic film and television culture. The fifth part: discusses the main theme film and television culture spread to the university moral education brings the challenge reason: the educator main melody film and television consciousness is not strong, the moral education worker management and the appraisal skill level is not uniform, The main theme film and television culture itself is not perfect and college students are deeply impressed by the theme film and television culture stereotype. The sixth part: from the school point of view, puts forward the countermeasures of promoting the combination of the main melody film and television culture and the moral education in colleges and universities, forms the educator's guidance, the students' self-education, consummates the main melody film and television curriculum, speeds up the resultant force among the four students in the campus culture construction. To achieve the purpose of improving the main theme of film and television culture and moral education.


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