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发布时间:2018-12-25 10:11
【摘要】:《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中提出一系列重大人才工程计划,对今后一个时期的人才工作做出了战略部署,具有很强的指导意义。江西省高校引进高层次人才响应国家人才发展战略目标,对加强江西省人才队伍建设有十分重要的现实意义。 江西省位于国家中部地区,,发展不及沿海发达地区,江西省高校人才也相对短缺,特别是与城市经济社会信息化、工业化、科技化等息息相关的高层次人才更为短缺,人才队伍急需加大引进、服务、建设和管理的力度。江西省高校主要集中分布在省会城市南昌,本文将南昌地区部分高校高层次人才队伍的现状调查和对策研究作为主要研究内容,目的是为了探究有利于高校高层次人才队伍建设的途径和方法。 本文根据高校类别选取了南昌地区五所高校进行调查研究,结合该地区高校实际情况,通过文献研究法、比较研究法、数理统计法、调查法等方法,了解了南昌地区高校引进高层次人才的现状;分析了高校人才引进中存在的主要问题,即人才引进计划制定的科学性有待增强,人员筛选和匹配机制不完善,有效的人才评估和评价机制不完善,人才使用和培养管理体系不完善。 在掌握现状、发现问题、分析原因的基础上,笔者结合实际,提出了具体的对策建议:树立正确观念,刚性与柔性引才并举;拓宽引才之路,利用各渠道招募人才;注重双管齐下,外部引进结合内部培养;创新体制机制,营造良好人才氛围;优化师资队伍,不断提高科研水平;完善引才政策,改善人才发展环境。
[Abstract]:A series of important talent engineering plans were put forward in the outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020), which made a strategic plan for the talent work in the future and has a strong guiding significance. The introduction of high-level talents in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province responds to the strategic goal of national talent development, which is of great practical significance for strengthening the construction of talent ranks in Jiangxi Province. Jiangxi Province is located in the central part of the country, and its development is not as good as that in the developed coastal areas. There is also a relative shortage of talents in colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province, especially the shortage of high-level talents who are closely related to urban economic and social information, industrialization, science and technology, etc. The talent troop urgently needs to increase the introduction, the service, the construction and the management dynamics. The colleges and universities in Jiangxi Province are mainly distributed in Nanchang, the provincial capital city. This paper focuses on the investigation of the current situation and countermeasures of the high-level talents in some colleges and universities in Nanchang. The purpose is to explore the ways and methods that are beneficial to the construction of high-level talents in colleges and universities. This paper selects five colleges and universities in Nanchang area according to the category of colleges and universities to carry out investigation and research. Combining with the actual situation of colleges and universities in this area, through the methods of literature research, comparative research, mathematical statistics, investigation and so on, To understand the current situation of introducing high-level talents to colleges and universities in Nanchang area; This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the talent introduction in colleges and universities, that is, the scientific nature of the talent introduction plan needs to be enhanced, the personnel selection and matching mechanism is not perfect, and the effective talent evaluation and evaluation mechanism is not perfect. Talent use and training management system is not perfect. On the basis of mastering the present situation, finding out the problems and analyzing the reasons, the author puts forward the concrete countermeasures and suggestions: to establish the correct idea, to develop the rigid and flexible talent, to widen the road of the talent, and to recruit the talents through the various channels. We should pay attention to the combination of external introduction and internal training; innovate the system and mechanism to create a good atmosphere for talents; optimize the teaching staff and constantly improve the level of scientific research; improve the policy of talent introduction and improve the environment for the development of talents.


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