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发布时间:2018-12-26 12:16
【摘要】:网络应用的广泛程度随着当前我国网络社会的形成和进步,几乎囊括了整个社会体系。大学生作为网络社会中的主力军,在此影响之下,其道德行为和思想都发生着重大转变。网络固然有其积极的影响面,但是其固有的开放性和虚拟性背后隐藏着大量不良因素,使大学生网络道德受到了极大挑战,特别是大学生网络道德自律精神严重缺失。本文以分析大学生网络行为的道德失范现象产生的表现及成因,并且着重分析大学生网络道德自律教育的有效机制为基础,旨在寻求最具实效性的大学生网络自律教育的途径,使大学生能够更加全面发展,使他们将来能够成为社会主义合格的建设者和可靠的接班人。 本文的主要观点为:首先阐述当前大学生网络道德失范的情况,引出当前受到全社会广泛关注的现实问题,阐明研究的背景与意义,根据这一现实问题引发的各方面讨论,,对当前国内外研究此类问题的研究现状进行分析概括,然后根据前人研究现状的优点和不足来探索寻求出本文别具特色的研究思路和创新之处,通过总结概括,论述符合实际并具有实效性的研究方法;其次是对大学生网络道德自律的理论概述,通过对广义的道德、网络道德以及网络道德自律三者的概念的分析,明确提出大学生网络道德自律教育与其他的道德教育有着明显区别,并阐明其独有的特殊性,并将大学生网络道德存在的问题全面分析,通过其不同的表现形式究其实质并将其分类论述。然后根据对这些表现形式的不同分类,找出大学生网络道德问题产生的原因,并分析大学生网络道德失范问题的多种影响因素,并分别进行归类总结,针对上一章总结出的大学生网络道德失范问题的表现形式和产生原因,说明其根本在于大学生网络道德自律精神的缺失,由此来对大学生网络道德自律教育的有效机制进行分析,重点从道德制约力的内外两方面分析并证明大学生网络道德自律教育的切实有效,并且将网络规范管理融入到大学生网络道德自律教育的有效机制中,使其产生合力,再通过对前三章内容进行分析总结,提出网络环境下大学生自律教育的对策和途径,把此对策与途径充分与高校思想政治教育工作和网络管理工作结合,使得探索出来的途径最具全面性、系统性和实效性;最后是对全文进行全面而深刻的总结。
[Abstract]:With the formation and progress of our country's network society, the wide application of network almost includes the whole social system. College students as the main force in the network society, under this influence, their moral behavior and thought have undergone significant changes. Although the network has its positive influence, there are a lot of bad factors hidden behind its inherent openness and fictiveness, which make the network morality of college students face a great challenge, especially the serious lack of the self-discipline spirit of the university students' network morality. Based on the analysis of the appearance and cause of moral anomie of college students' network behavior, and the analysis of the effective mechanism of college students' network moral self-discipline education, this paper aims to seek the most effective ways for college students' network self-discipline education. So that college students can be more comprehensive development, so that they can become socialist qualified builders and reliable successors in the future. The main viewpoints of this paper are as follows: firstly, the paper expounds the current situation of college students' network moral anomie, draws out the current practical problems which have received wide attention of the whole society, clarifies the background and significance of the research, and discusses the various aspects caused by this realistic problem. The current domestic and foreign research on such issues is analyzed and summarized, and then according to the advantages and disadvantages of previous research to explore the unique research ideas and innovations, through the summary of the summary, The research methods which accord with reality and have actual effect are discussed. Secondly, it summarizes the theory of college students' network moral self-discipline, and analyzes the concepts of broad sense of morality, network morality and network moral self-discipline. It is clearly pointed out that there are obvious differences between the self-discipline education of college students' network morality and other moral education, and the unique particularity is clarified, and the problems existing in the network morality of college students are comprehensively analyzed. Through its different forms of expression to investigate its essence and discuss its classification. Then according to the different classification of these forms of expression, find out the causes of the network moral problems of college students, and analyze the various influencing factors of the network moral anomie of college students, and respectively classify and summarize. In view of the form and causes of college students' network moral anomie summarized in the previous chapter, it is explained that the basic reason lies in the lack of self-discipline spirit of college students' network morality. This paper analyzes the effective mechanism of college students' network moral self-discipline education, and analyzes and proves the effectiveness of the network moral self-discipline education of college students from the internal and external aspects of moral restriction. In addition, the network standard management is integrated into the effective mechanism of college students' network moral self-discipline education, and the resultant force is produced. Through the analysis and summary of the contents of the first three chapters, the countermeasures and approaches of self-discipline education for college students under the network environment are put forward. Combine this countermeasure and approach with ideological and political education work and network management work in colleges and universities, make the approach to explore the most comprehensive, systematic and effective; Finally, the full text of the comprehensive and profound summary.


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