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发布时间:2018-12-27 08:06
【摘要】:随着高等教育发展加快和战略地位的上升,其面临的紧迫任务,是在制度、层次和范围上建立、完善高等教育质量保障体系。当高等教育规模扩张到一定程度、高校办学条件达到一定水平、教育成果的基本质量标准初步建立之后,完善质量保障体系、做到内外兼修就成为高等教育进一步发展的必由之路。本文借鉴平衡计分卡的理念和方法深入研究高等教育质量管理的内涵,从关注办学条件逐步转变到关注质量生成过程和高校办学的流程,从引导高校开展教育教学基本建设转变到指导高校进行评估指标改进与教育教学改革,培养自主保障而非被动参与的质量文化,建立健全高等教育质量保障体系,从而保障教育质量的稳步提升。 通过界定和分析大众化高等教育质量保障体系基本理论问题、发展现状和趋势,解析教育质量保障体系在高等教育发展中的重要性,概览发达国家高等教育质量保障体系的研究历程,从中归纳出对我国高等教育质量保障体系的宏观启示,对平衡计分卡应用于高等教育质量保障体系做适用性及优越性分析并列出具体操作范式,通过界定高等院校的使命和发展战略,采用平衡计分卡及对应的战略地图等工具构建通用的战略管理框架,建立高等学校的战略宏图与具体的管理目标及执行指标之间的映射,引导高等学校建立一套科学化、可复制的质量保障体系。 综上,本文的研究不仅从微观层面上为高等教育质量目标的达成提供有力的体系保障,同时也在宏观层面上为《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》在高等学校的落地与贯彻提供了可借鉴的思路。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the development of higher education and the rise of its strategic position, its urgent task is to establish and perfect the quality assurance system of higher education on the system, level and scope. When the scale of higher education has expanded to a certain extent, the conditions for running a university have reached a certain level, and the basic quality standards of educational achievements have been preliminarily established, the quality assurance system will be improved. It is the only way for the further development of higher education to do both internal and external training. Based on the idea and method of balanced Scorecard, this paper deeply studies the connotation of higher education quality management, and gradually changes from paying attention to the condition of running a school to paying attention to the process of quality generation and the process of running a university. From guiding colleges and universities to carrying out education and teaching infrastructure to guiding colleges and universities to improve evaluation indexes and education and teaching reform, to cultivate a quality culture of independent protection rather than passive participation, and to establish and improve the quality assurance system of higher education. Thus ensuring the steady improvement of the quality of education. By defining and analyzing the basic theoretical problems, current situation and trend of mass higher education quality assurance system, this paper analyzes the importance of education quality assurance system in the development of higher education. An overview of the research process of the quality assurance system of higher education in developed countries, from which the macroscopic enlightenment to the quality assurance system of higher education in China is summed up. This paper analyzes the applicability and superiority of the balanced Scorecard in the quality assurance system of higher education, and lists the concrete operation paradigm, and defines the mission and development strategy of the colleges and universities. By using the balanced scorecard and corresponding strategic map, the general strategic management framework is constructed, the mapping between the strategic grand plan of the university and the concrete management goal and the execution index is established, and the scientific set of the university is guided. Replicable quality assurance system. In summary, the research of this paper not only provides a strong system guarantee for the achievement of the quality goal of higher education from the micro level, At the same time, at the macro level, it also provides some useful ideas for the landing and implementation of the National Medium-and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Program in higher education institutions.


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